Monthly Archives: August 2008

Lots of movies

We are watching lots of movies today since JT is hung over and I am just plain tired after two full days of birthday extravaganzas. So I was thinking about my favorite movies of all time (the list often changes) and movies I would love for L to see.

Movies I Want L to See:

  • Annie
  • Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (watched it today, she was concerned if the parents found their children)
  • Matilda (she was scared of the principal)
  • Dennis the Menace (J LOVED this movie and L watched intently)
  • Sound of Music
  • Any Muppets Movie
  • Shirley Temple Movies

I am sure there are more but I can’t think of them right now. I’m a bit tired.

I am really excited for all of my shows to start back up again in a couple of weeks. I need to start my TV list. (Can you say geek?)

Our Own Little Hurricane

December 2004 was a wonderful month. L was 8 months old and we had just enjoyed our first Christmas together as a family. A couple weeks after Christmas I fell extremely ill. I could barely move I was so nauseous. My mom was over (she babysat for L) and we were taking down my tree and other decorations and she was like you have to see the doctor, I had already missed a week of work. She kept saying I was pregnant but I had taken a test and it was negative so there you have it.

I went to see the doctor and he did a whole bunch of tests including blood tests and came into the room and just blurted out “You’re pregnant”. I looked at him like what? Are you sure you have the right room. For god’s sakes I have an 8 month old. I can’t be pregnant again. I tried for 5 years to have L. I have problems getting pregnant. No way. Then the tears started. He looked at me and said well I guess it wasn’t planned. No “poop sherlock”. I got in the car with L and called JTand cried the whole way home while on the phone with him. I then called my mom and made her promise not to tell anyone because I was slightly embarrassed. To this day I have no idea why.

Now fast forward nine months through all day sickness, weight loss of 30 pounds, almost hospitalization twice, horrible inconsistent contractions and you have the early morning hours of August 29th, 2005. I woke up withannoying back pain and got up too pee (with L my water broke and I didn’t want that all over the bed) but nothing happened they were pretty painful so I woke up JT and called the Dr. He told me to go ahead and come in, called my mom and told her I needed to go to the hospital. JT got everything ready. I was just pacing in what is now the toy room waiting for my mom. I couldn’t leave my baby girl and didn’t want too, I was shaking and close to tears the whole time. My mom took her time, she took a shower and didn’t arrive for 45 minutes. (I am not telling you times because I am not positive.) We left right after that. The whole way there (30 min drive) JT kept asking me if I was okay. I told him fine, I wouldn’t tell him how bad it was because he was already driving fast and I didn’t want to have an accident. We pull in and I tell him I am going to need a wheelchair. He gives me this look like okay drama queen. He goes to get the wheelchair… I get out of the car and try to get my bag out but can’t so the only way I am comfortable is on my hands and knees so there I am in the middle of the parking lot on my hands and knees hee heeing and hoo hooing when JT comes around the corner all nonchalant. When he sees me he breaks into a sprint.

We get upstairs and I can barely move it hurts so bad and they are right on top of each other. They get me into bed, I am getting my epidural as the dr walks in, the epidural doesn’t have time to take and J is delivered within 30 minutes (or so) of arriving at the hospital. My dr told me if I ever have a third he will be admitting me into the hospital beforehand. No worries doc. There won’t be a third.

That morning we laid in bed with our little bundle watching the effects of Hurricane Katrina happen (it was around 6:00 am). It was unreal but I didn’t capture the events happening before me it was kind of a blur in my state of bliss. L never visited me in the hospital because she had a fever of 101 everyday I was gone. That was sad but we made it and my bubby boy is one of the best things that has ever happened to me.

Here are some pictures:

L didn’t really care for her brother. She was only 16 months old. I had one day of postpartum because we had had visitors galore and L wasn’t acting like my baby and I just sat and cried when JT’s family was over. My sister in law Aunt T just looked at JT and I and said we’re out of here. They need to rest and be alone. I loved that she was able to recognize that without me saying anything. Things got better everyday but L never let her brother touch her. Still doesn’t.

Random brain tidbits *updated*

We went to meet with L’s teacher tonight. Just a parents meeting. Her teacher is the same as last year but her teacher is also the wife of one of my high school teachers.

It was good to see all of my mommy friends from school tonight. I really missed talking with some of them.

J turns 3 tomorrow and I am kind of sad. He is growing up so fast. I really can’t believe that he is 3 already. He’s starting mom’s day out next Wednesday and he’s out of diapers. (I’m weeping inside).

Facebook is SOOO addicting. My gosh I think I check that more often than my blog now. Yikes. It is a lot like high school. For instance I asked a guy I went to high school with to be a friend a week ago (or so) and he hasn’t responded yet I know that he is becoming friends with others. Lord. Didn’t I graduate 14 years ago and didn’t I leave all of this B.S. behind me. Hell yeah I did. Screw him. Who needs him. My family is more important, it’s a good thing they all have facebook accounts 🙂

I hate that it is raining right now. It’s thundering and lightning… I really didn’t feel like sleeping with my kids tonight.

I went through the kids winter clothes and have two giant bags to give away to JT’s family members as hand me downs. I have two gigantic stacks of Gymboree, Janie and Jack and LeTop clothes to put on ebay and I have two containers full of new clothes (one for each). I feel like our house has been taken over by toddler clothing and shoes.

I am excited that J is having a birthday but I am more excited to see all of our families. That’s the best part. Socializing with the people we care about.

Night Night!!

I forgot to mention I have accepted a small innocent position as a substitute teacher for J’s Mom’s Day Out program. I have done it a couple of times in the past so I am familiar with the way it works. It could be really cool.

I’m Thouroughly Impressed

Sometimes my children cease to amaze me. J HATES to have his haircut. He freaks out. So I was taking him to one of those kids places where they can watch a video, like the Wiggles. It was the perfect arrangement but I hated the price tag… $16.95 per head. I was telling my hairstylist all about this dilemma and she mentioned that she only charges $8 per kids head, guess what we don’t go to the kids haircut place anymore.

I took the kids to get haircuts yesterday and I was fully prepared for screaming and crying and full on mayhem. What happened? Nothing, he sat quietly and actually talked to Debi and answered all of her questions. He was the perfect gentleman and now he has the perfect haircut to match.

Before picture, he was trying to make a funny face.

After, what a dude!! So handsome.

L of course did well. She enjoys getting her haircut, as long as I promise they aren’t going to cut it all off like mine. Here she is striking one of her famous photo poses.

Before, she’s really into headbands.

After, she just got a trim and a bang trim.

Perfect experience and now I can cross that off of my to do list.

Things I Love Thursday – QuikTrip Coffee

  My TILT today is something very simple, a place where we can buy hot dogs, chips, candy, milk, bread and juice. But the most important thing you can purchase at QuikTrip would by COFFEE. It’s like a personalized coffee bar. Add a little of this and little of that… BAM a cup of heavenly coffee. Seriously I get so freakin crabby if I do not have a cup of coffee, sometimes I even have 2 a day.

Mine is a secret, just kidding… I make mine with 3/4 french vanilla latte mix and 1/4 regular black coffee, stir and enjoy. YUM!! Now the downside of this wonderful cup of coffee is that it is SO fattening. Since I’ve started drinking the coffee I have put on 10 pounds so it will probably be my new years resolution to give it up and find something less fattening but until then I will enjoy my heaven in a cup. My daily sanity.

Check out more TILT at The Diaper Diaries.

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Wordless Wednesday – Mommy’s Little Helper



She is such a sweetheart and loves to take care of her brother. Guess what he did after she finished… started eating his cupcake again. They were too cute.

Check out more WW. Happy Wednesday!


WFMW – My Potty Training Method

Everyone has their own methods and it all works for them but I’ve got nothing this week for WFMW and I thought what have I been successful at recently. Um, potty training. Here’s my method and what worked for me. I am not by any means saying this will work for everyone.

I set a kitchen timer for every 15 minutes. When the timer went off we would run and go pee. If he couldn’t go we would go back to the timer and set it for 10 minutes. Then run to the bathroom after ten minutes. Still nothing?! We set it down to 5 minutes. He would usually always go by then. Then after he went. Back up to 15 minutes. This was just for the first two days. The third day we started at 30 minutes and worked our way down.

#2 took a bit more strategizing but a trip to the Target toy aisle works wonders 😉 plus I just wouldn’t let him out of my sight (he couldn’t even play in his room by himself until he pooped). Now he goes by himself, even gets his potty seat out for #2 and calls me when he is done and we aren’t even in pull ups anymore at night. Yeah J!!!

Both of my kids were easy trainers. Biggest key I waited until they were ready. I didn’t do it for me. I did it for them. Now since that was so easy I am sure there is some obstacle out there I am going to encounter that will test me beyond belief. Possibly sleep?!

Check out more WFMW here.

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Hobby Hump Day – Time Out Chair

Painting is something I like to do but I swear I am just not that good at it. I can sketch and draw a little but give me a large surface to paint and I can hold my own. Case in point, I bought this really old kids chair at a garage sale a while back, before kids even, and never knew what to do with it. Well once L became disobedient on a regular basis I invented our time out chair. With a little paint and some stenciling this is what I came up with. Now when I say time out they know exactly where to go. I like the chair because of all of it’s bright colors. At least it’s a cheerful looking chair because it never sees anyone smile while sitting upon it.

Have any hobbies and want to show them off? Check out the Hobby Hump Day Carnival at 3inunder3.

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The Case of the Underpants!

A couple of days ago I needed to lay the back seats down in the van so I had to rearrange strollers (3 of them) two golf umbrellas, a bat (don’t ask) and, well you get the idea. I found underneath all of that chaos a pair of men’s white boxer brief underpants. That’s right. Underpants. What the?? Seriously!! Okay so I threw them back down into the back of the car because eww gross and I was going to inform JT about my discovery and let him deal with them. Needless to say, I forgot to tell him. So today I took my mom shopping and she purchased a beautiful chair. I was moving things around and low and behold, underpants. I started chuckling to myself thinking how in the world did these make it into the back of my car. I called JT and told him, finally. He claimed they weren’t his, I was all whatever!! He was adamant that they weren’t his.

So my mom gets in the car and she reminds me that I had transported my brothers dirty clothes to my mom’s house last week. So they were HIS underpants. Double gross. They were dirty underpants to boot. Dirty skidmarked brother’s underpants!! Is there anything grosser, not to me at this moment. I handed them over to my mom because she gave birth to him and she doesn’t care about gross brother germs like me plus she washes his clothes and scrubbed my own hands clean.

Case of the Underpants – SOLVED!!!

My Mom Rocks!!

She has the kids again… overnight. We finished up some birthday shopping and then wrapped all of his presents. Plus I am just sitting. That’s right just sitting here and doing nothing (okay well I am on the computer and well I am still thinking about them) but at least they aren’t running around acting crazy, there was no bedtime routine to see through tonight and I don’t have to worry about them crawling in bed with us. Ah sweet bliss.

The best is, we went to Target to get a little something for L and we ran into an old co-worker of mine that I haven’t seen since 2002. I loved this co-worker when I was at AGE but she has never seen or met my children and I was eager to show them off but there weren’t any children. Oh well maybe next time.