Monthly Archives: March 2009

I Heart Faces – Pouting


Some of my bloggy friends participate in I Heart Faces often and this week’s topic for kids is Pouting and boy do I have a pout-er. This was taken at my friends house when I put her in time out because of not sharing.


Wanna play along or join in, visit I Heart Faces.

Forgotten Courtesy

L’s big Fancy Nancy birthday party is this weekend and I have yet to hear from the students in her class. It’s partly my fault for not putting an RSVP by date. Instead I just put please RSVP. I just assumed that they would. We sent out 11 invitations and we have heard from cousins and best friends and one little girl from her class. The other five are missing in action.

I think it’s important for people to RSVP. I have put so much planning into this party, I am making tutu’s, magical wands and gift bags. Not to mention other special things I have purchased. So frustrating. So I will probably approach all of the moms tomorrow at drop off and pick up (if they are there) and if they aren’t there then I will have to call them. UGH I am not a pushy person and this makes my skin crawl but I have to. Any advice out there? Oh and I’m not the only one that suffers from this… An Island Life posted about this same issue on March 9th.

Top Ten Tuesday – Guaranteed Cryers


This is my very first Top Ten Tuesday, it was easy today because I have been working on this list in my drafts for a week now. Check out more Top Ten Lists or feel free to play along at Oh Amanda.

Need a good feel good movie or just a good cry??? These will make you cry every single stinkin time but usually have a good ending. There are some spoilers for each movie so this is just a warning – Do not read if you don’t want me to spoil the movie for you. Keep in mind this list is only movies I have seen and remember. I am sure there are a million tear jerkers out there but these are the ones that stayed with me.

  1. Return to Me with Minnie Driver and David Duchovny – Bob’s wife dies in a car crash and she is an organ donor. Grace needs a heart transplant, she receives Bob’s wifes heart. He finally agrees to go on a blind date to a quirky Irish-Italian eatery, there he falls for not his blind date but the sharp-witted waitress… Grace.
  2. Steel Magnolias – Oh you cannot watch this movie and claim that you have never cried, I would think you’re a liar. When Shelby dies and M’Lynn is at the gravesite screaming and crying, I bawl like a baby. But then laugh hysterically when Clairee tells M’Lynn to hit Ouiser.
  3. Top Gun – Goose’s death scene is by far the saddest EVER.
  4. Titanic – Another doozy. Please, when Rose has to peel Jack’s hands off of the wood she’s floating on and he sinks slowly down into the water so that she can save herself, ugly cry ensues.
  5. Pay It Forward – Such a sweet movie about a little boy who decides to do an experiment, you do something nice for someone and tell them to pass it on or “pay it forward”. When he is killed for doing a good thing, it just breaks your heart.
  6. Terms of Endearment – Lord I can barely even talk about this movie without tearing up, if you haven’t seen it, you must.
  7. Beaches – Aw man, this is a hard list to put together but it cannot be complete without Beaches. The friends, the little girl, the music it all make my heart melt.
  8. She’s Having A Baby – This is a pretty funny and cute movie but the scene where he is in the waiting room while his wife is in surgery, his father-in-law gives him this look, he looks up and cries and the mix of the music, makes me cry everytime.
  9. My Life – So sad. He’s dying and has an unborn child on the way. He decides to videotape everything he wants his son to know. Cry like a baby.
  10. P.S. I Love You – I have never sat through a movie like this… I literally cried through the entire beginning and I mean ugly cry. I am sure some of you can attest to the fact that this movie is SO sad.

There you have my top ten list of the Saddest Movies that make me cry. Wanna know what my criteria was?! It has to make me cry everytime I watch it and I have to remember crying while watching it (ex: I’ve seen Love Story but I don’t remember crying). There are several other sad movies out there so if you want to add some feel free to leave a comment and don’t forget to check out Oh Amanda.

Making Life Better

Mom Central gave me the opportunity to review a new website where their motto is “feel good, look good and get more out of life”. I am all for making my life better, aren’t we all. So, I was set loose on this website to explore. First stop for me was obviously the recipes. I am always in search of new recipes. They have a section called Budget Recipes which is full of great recipes I want to try like 15-minute beef stew or Savory Roasted Chicken. The Beauty and Style section wasn’t really my cup of tea, but it might be yours. I tend to do my makeup the same in the 10 years I’ve been married and the things I choose to wear are things I like. But I will say they had a story that peaked my interest, beauty bargains nothing over $10. The next tab is Home and Family where you can receive tips for help on your taxes, family-night ideas, clearing out the clutter or how to cut costs by age and stage.

There are several other interesting tabs and topics but you should definitely check it out because Unilever, the consumer package goods company, has spent a great deal of time thinking about how to make everyday life better and help us find ways to create great meals and do more with less.

Photo Monday – What is it??


I was just reminded that I didn’t have my post up yet today. I am so sick today and in between naps have been checking my e-mail. So sorry. Hre is this week’s picture.


If you want to play along please leave me a comment saying so and I will link you to this post (probably later tonight or tomorrow).


Where Life Becomes Art

Next week’s picture: Siblings

Vacations are expensive

We are vacation people. We really enjoy taking the kids places and showing them things every year. One place we have not been and desperately want to visit is the beach. The kids haven’t been to the beach and it’s all they talk about. So what we want is a nice, relaxing, warm inexpensive beach vacation. Know what?! It doesn’t exist. We are purely a cash family and that means saving money for a vacation but we are also saving money for tuition and L’s birthday and blah blah blah. The worst part of the vacation planning is finding a place to stay, we will drive anywhere in order to relax and have some fun. But the thought of just sitting on a beach and letting the kids play in the sand while I read a book or frolic in the ocean myself, don’t worry I’m not delusional things could go horribly wrong, like L and J could hate the sand or even the water. I am just venting because I am getting frustrated. Don’t you ever get frustrated about things out of your reach?

It’s official!!!

JT has a job!!! It’s at the same company that was going to lay him off but it’s a good thing. Our insurance won’t change, we will still have unbelievable discounts on everyday stuff and we can’t beat the commute (we live close to downtown where it’s located). So all is well. He will even be able to work from home more often which we all enjoy. He starts his new job next Thursday.

Other randomness: Today he had to take the car into the shop, apparently it was the battery, it wouldn’t start yesterday. Luckily they covered it under warranty. JT worked from home so when he could take a break we headed to the park for some exercise and to feed the ducks, it was a beautiful day. L was pretty cute, she took her baby stroller along and her baby Mandy and she kept walking up to the geese while feeding them it looked like they might attack her at any minute. I’ve seen shows where that stuff happens and she’s pretty fearless. J ran over to where I was sitting and started to say repeatedly, “let’s go, I want to leave” apparently he’s not fearless. JT had predicted before we started walking that J would only make it 1/4 of the way before he started begging to be held… he was right. But I never caved in he walked the whole time. I have to say they are much calmer tonight after our park visit but that might be attributed to the new movie they are watching, BOLT. It’s a pretty good movie and J loves it.

Anyway here are pictures:

L carrying her doll stroller

L carrying her doll stroller

Feeding the ducks and geese

Feeding the ducks and geese



Loving her baby

Loving her baby

A loving hand

A loving hand

Things I Love Thursday – I love this picture


I am a little late with my TILT today. Sorry. I couldn’t come up with anything and then I ran across a picture. I am in love with this picture I from today. JT has his own mini me.

Check it out here…. My Coolpix (I also just want you to visit my photo blog)

Really I just love pictures. I take them all the time. So I guess that’s what I love.

Check out more TILT at The Diaper Diaries.

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Missing in Action… yes I have been

I had a very busy day yesterday with a dual birthday party at Monkey Joes for two of L’s classmates. We came home and relaxed for a few minutes before my bro called and said he was sitting on the front porch, so we joined him for some brews and conversation. Then JT’s cousin JT (yeah they have the same name, it can be confusing) came over and took JT to the hockey game so the kids and I watched Bolt after he left. I put them to bed and sat a played a new game on my iPhone. VERY BUSY DAY!!! I just kind of forgot to even open my pc yesterday. Many more things happened through the evening but I will leave those details for a someday story.

I don’t have very many WFMW tips lately. Nothing seems to be working for me right now, I seem to be having a bad week. I didn’t fall asleep last night until 4:00 am then L woke up at 6:00. I threw her in bed with me until 7:45 am. Woke up, got two kids ready for school, went out to put the kids in the car and the car wouldn’t start. We think it’s the starter. The car is only 2 years old, can you say pain in the *ss. JT thought it might be the starter but we called my mom anyway and she came over to possibly give us a jump. Before we jumped the car though we woke up N* and made him come check it out, he’s pretty good with cars. He turned the key (everything on the panel would turn on it just wouldn’t turn over) and played with the gearshift and it started right up. So we are taking it to the dealer tomorrow because that’s shouldn’t happen. We were then officially late for school, got to school and there was a rummage sale so there was NO parking, I was so frustrated at this point. Stayed at school because I was room mom today, had a good day at school, came home napped and then decided maybe I should blog something. Not at all a fascinating story but just goes to show you how the past few days have been crazy.

Because none of that was entertaining I will share a recent funny story. Yesterday on our way to Monkey Joes I was behind some guy doing the speed limit (30 mph) and L says to me: “Mom are we running out of gas?” I said, “No honey, why?” “Cause we are going so slow.” I apparently have a lead foot, I know this fact, I just didn’t know my daughter did.

Hobby Hump Day – Another Sewing Project

I made another outfit for L and I think it turned out really cute for my very first outfit ever. I did a lot of things I never thought I could with a sewing machine. I made buttonholes and sewed on two pockets, it was quite the project but I wouldn’t stop until I was finished.


My next project… I am taking JT’s and my old t-shirts and making them into gym shorts for the kids.