Bath Blizzard and Aquadoodle Draw N’ Doodle Mat

I was really excited when Team Mom sent me a big box full of awesome water toys. The Bath Blizzard and the Aquadoodle Draw N’ Doodle Mat, both are made by Spin Master (which happens to be the 5th most popular toy company and the fastest growing toy company in the US).

The Aquadoodle Draw N’ Mat is really cool. We don’t own any other Aquadoodle products so this was a welcome surprise. I brought it out for L one day while J was napping. That way she could check it out all by herself since there is only one pen included. She loved it. It kept her busy and happy for 1 hour. When J woke up he immediately had to try the mat and I believe it’s great for any age. Even though on the box it says (2+). This is the perfect toy in my opinion. Perfect for winter, no messes and for an absolute perfect ending for this toy, an extra pen so my children quit fighting. 🙂 Retails for $24.99 and it’s available at all leading toy retailers.

The second product we received was the Kid Kleen Bath Blizzard. We saw this product right after we received it in the mail and they were both so psyched to try it out. I of course opened the box and realized that we did not posess 4 C batteries so I had to get those first, regrettably it sat in the bathroom and taunted them for a couple of days. Once batteries were installed we were all set and ready for fun. I read the directions and the first thing I needed to do was place the strap onto the bath blizzard, easier said than done. It was difficult to slide the strap into position and have it stay. I actually struggled with it a couple of times, but once in and placed on the tub spout it was good and ready to go. The kids loved the machine, all of the bubbles were fun for them, they are similar to the bubbles you would blow outside with a bubble wand instead of the usual bath bubbles but L has a tendency to obtain UTI’s with regular bath bubbles so these bubbles are perfect for her and there are no worries for me. The other part that would be really useful if the kids wanted more bubbles all you have to do is add more soap and voila, more bubbles. You don’t have to add bath soap, turn the tub on and mix the soap and water. All in all I really liked the bath blizzard, strap aside. Retails for $19.99 and it’s available at all leading toy retailers


Buy both toys and you won’t regret your decisions. Both are perfect for the upcoming winter months when you are stuck inside.

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One thought on “Bath Blizzard and Aquadoodle Draw N’ Doodle Mat

  1. We also have battery candles with timers for use inside, these battery candles are made of real wax and are scented vanilla, the fragrance is not real strong but enough to be pleasant, i love to use this.

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