Monthly Archives: March 2008

The Electric Company

I am currently having trouble with our electric company, they won’t come out and remove a downed line from our yard because it doesn’t belong to them but no one else will remove it either. All of this started me thinking about the old kids show “The Electric Company”. Did you watch this show? I did. It’s hard to believe that my kids will never know what in the world I am talking about. But according to wikipedia, PBS is making a new Electric Company for 2009. Here are some old clips of the show I found on YouTube.

It’s funny how these totally reminded me of sitting on the floor watching this show when I was little. Enjoy!

I forgot Bill Cosby was on the show. Remember Picture Pages.

Did you know Morgan Freeman was on the show. I didn’t! Check out this clip, it’s hilarious.

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Taking an interest in computers at a young age?

Here is a picture of our little man today at JT’s computer, one is a little blurry (sorry)

dscn0528.jpg      dscn0529.jpg

Could he be interested already at the age of 2 in what that computer thingy does? Do you think perhaps someday he will be a computer geek by profession (like daddy)?

I wish…. no this is what has captivated his attention:

JT found the Wiggles on YouTube. We have a Wiggles obessesion going on in this house. He knows all the words to the songs, all the dance moves to along with the songs, he has to watch the dvds constantly… in his room, in the car, and now on the pc. We are a Wiggles house. This video though I must say is extremely humorous.

It’s like sweet revenge for all those songs that are burned into my brain.

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City living has it’s perks

Just in case you had any doubts that city living wasn’t the greatest, here’s another reason: you can shop for living room furnishings on the street.


Wordless Wednesday – How do they sleep like this?


Check out other Wordless Wednesday pictures here.


Fun and busy morning

Today we woke and started our day just as any other day but we had so many places to go before nap time. First we picked up my mom and headed to Sears for Easter pictures. We got some really awesome ones. J actually licked L’s face in one of the pictures, so of course we bought that one :-). Then we picked up my two area rugs. They were going to cost $163.00 but they came in under what they estimated at $103.89. I was so excited. Then we headed to the mall (yeah), had lunch in the food court, got my mom some sunglasses, some new earphones for her iPod and a windbreaker for me. I was beside my self excited about my new windbreaker (cause in case you are new here…. I’m a geek, I get excited about weird things). I like to shop at Eddie Bauer sometimes, anyway I always wanted either one of their windbreaker or a Columbia one. I walked into Eddie Bauer and the jacket I wanted was on sale for $58.00. Originally $80.00. I WAS THRILLED. So I bought one in blue and then also bought one of those Joby Gorillapod’s for my new camera. I am not really sure where I am going to use it or when but I feel cool for owning one. I did use it to take a picture of my new coat.

dscn0480.jpg Ain’t it perty! Here’s a pic of my new Gorillapod.

dscn0476.jpg It looks like a robot or something doesn’t it. It’s pretty strange looking but very handy.

But all in all, I found deals everywhere I went today. That rarely happens.

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Future Actress/Singer?

Here is a super cute video of my daughter.

If you were to ask me what she is singing in the first part… I have no idea! I just know that it’s so L.

BTW – this is my very first YouTube video. My new camera rocks because it has a video recorder.

Our Easter in an “egg”shell

We had a very nice and relaxing Easter yesterday. It started at 10:00 with my mom. She came over with the kids Easter baskets and we then gave the kids the baskets from the “Easter bunny”, we ate some yummy breakfast (baked french toast and bacon…. yum, bacon!), my mom and I watched Easter Parade while Jack took a nap, JT watched basketball in the other room.

We left for my aunt and uncles around 2:30 with my brother joining us. We had a lot of fun at their house. The kids were very well behaved and the food was SO YUMMY!!! We had ham and chicken and carrots and noodles and salad, my mouth is watering again. Anyway here are some pictures.

dscn0442.jpg Trying to get one final picture before I take their Easter clothes off, they were sick of posing :-).

dscn0420.jpg We had these huge snowflakes all afternoon, they were beautiful. No accumulation but it was still fun. Although 70 degrees would have been nice too.

dscn0402.jpg Uncle Da is so much fun. He helped the kids eat some of their icing off of their cupcakes. Why they won’t eat the cake part I don’t know.

dscn0371.jpg After our indoor egg hunt. Way too cold outside. They didn’t mind one bit.

Hoppy Easter!

Hope you all have a nice day with your families. Maybe you are lucky enough to have sunshine, we have cold and snow flurries.

August Rush

I kept putting off seeing this movie… I’ve rented it twice and finally watched it tonight. It was an amazing movie. I really enjoyed it. It’s not a comedy like I usually enjoy it was a very moving story. I actually want to buy the movie, no run out and buy the movie so I can watch it again at my leisure and digest it differently the next time. It almost made me cry, I believe if the ending had been different ie: drawn out, then yeah I probably would have been an emotional basket case but it ended perfectly. All the actors/actresses were amazing and I wish I hadn’t waited so long to enjoy the film. If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it. August Rush is a new found favorite of mine.


Sorry for all of the movie reviews lately but since I am sick, there’s not a whole lot more to talk about. I am sure you would rather read about what I have seen rather than what I am experiencing. 🙂 SEE THIS MOVIE!! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


An Eventful Spring Break Week

Spring Break Week has almost come to an end. It was very eventful but of course when you are 3 years old it’s just another week where there’s no school. In other words, she barely noticed. We played with Pop-Pop and Nana, had our first OT therapy appointment, we devoured our favorite meal (Corned Beef and Cabbage), went to the pediatrician, went shopping for our spring/summer crocs, suffered severely from colds, went to an Easter story hour, spent some time chasing my children in the Magic House (I got free passes too), spent some time with a girlfriend (which I never get to do, it was really nice), ran errands, watched movies over and over and over, tonight we will dye easter eggs, make cookies and rice krispie treats and tomorrow we are going to a surprise party. Check out the super cool gift basket I just made for the birthday “person” (I can’t say who it’s for, just in case).

dscn0277.jpg I got the basket for $6.99 at Hobby Lobby, it’s plastic but it sure is cute, they had a couple of different colors. I want to go and get a purple one to keep at the top of my stairs for library books and rented movies. Anyway the dscn0275.jpgbirthday “person” scrapbooks so I got some 12×12 paper, letter stickers, family word stickers, butterfly glitter stickers, self-adhesive ribbon, a jar of flowers, an ampersand stamp, a fine tip glue pen, a black ink pen and some buttons.

I also handmade the card. It’s not very impressive (not my best) but it works. Now all I need to do is get a bottle of wine and voila!! The perfect gift for the birthday “person”.
