Monthly Archives: August 2009

A fantastic family week/weekend

Really not a single blog since Tuesday, I can’t believe I was quiet for that long. I was SO busy last week getting ready for J’s birthday that I kind of lost track of everything else. The birthday party was fantastic and I’ll have pictures as soon as I get them from my friend S. My camcorder’s tape ended right at present opening and my camera battery died right in the middle of present opening. I could’ve run upstairs to get my second battery but I had my own professional photographer present. Hee hee. Thanks to S for taking over the photography duties.

So since I talked to you last I attended preschool orientation for J and got a haircut and new color. On Friday we took J to meet his new teacher (which didn’t go well), he was really shy and wouldn’t give her eye contact or speak to her. We’ll see on Tuesday how that goes. After we left school we took J to Incredible Pizz Co. We practically had the whole place to ourselves. Have you ever been there? What a fun place but lord is it expensive. We spent a ton just on playing games and then the go karts and golf were extra. It wasn’t unreasonable but for some one on a budget it was a little out of control. We ate at their pizza buffet and enjoyed some Spongebob while we ate on a big screen. J couldn’t have had a better day.

This last week and weekend were so amazing. Not to sound too corny but we had a great week and weekend as a family. Can’t wait to come back and tell you about J’s 4th birthday. It’s another crazy week ahead of us so hopefully I’ll be back everyday.

Top Ten Tuesday – J’s Superhero Birthday

Top Ten Tuesday

This Saturday by baby boy turns 4. Seems like I was just giving birth to this little hurricane (he was born on the day New Orleans was destroyed by Katrina). Anyway we are throwing him a fantastic birthday party this Saturday night and I of course have gone overboard on the funtasticness that is a birthday. Here are the top ten things I’ve got going on for this party. Pictures will follow in another post.

1. Superhero Gift Bags. Target rocks, oh wait you probably already knew that. But it does, last month in their $1 section they had superman and supergirl items. So I purchased enough for all the little girls and boys that will be in attendance.

2. Pin the mask to the superhero. I bought two rolls of white paper and I plan on tracing J’s body and making him look like a superhero then the kids will pin a mask (that I also make) onto the body/paper/superhero.

3. Make yourself a superhero. The paper will also be used to trace each of the kiddos, then they can decorate their paper with crayons or whatever else they can find and make themselves look like superheroes.

4. Pinata. What party isn’t complete without a pinata??? I am sure I can find a superhero one. I prefer Superman but we’ll see what I can find.

5. Top Secret Folder Invitations. I found these really awesome manila folders for scrapbooking and used them to make file folders you would find from the top secret superhero training facility. Or something like that.

6. Superheroes in attendance. All of the guests in attendance will be dressed as an assigned superhero. Very excited about this and can’t wait to see all of the costumes.

7. Theme music. I downloaded about 17 songs from iTunes that all have a superhero theme. Like Batman’s theme song, Wonder Woman’s theme song and a couple Superman songs (there are a ton of those).

8. A photo area. Like I wouldn’t be taking photos Saturday night. I am going to put white paper up on our gate with star stickers all over, then have everyone pose in front of the paper with their costume on. Like a faux photo booth (Holly was my inspiration on this one).

9. Superhero Cupcakes. J wants cupcakes so momma will deliver. I am going to decorate the tops with superhero logos. At least the easier ones.

10. Magnetic Superheroes. I am going to print out pictures of the superheroes and the guests in attendance and the kids can play with them on a magnetic easel outside.

There you have it one superhero party. Holy cow!! Think I took on too much?? We’ll see. I will have pics soon. Just too tired tonight. Visit Oh Amanda for more fun lists.

I Love My Book Club

We usually meet on the third Fridays of the month but this month we decided to discuss our book at lunch and then see Julie and Julia. We read the book two months ago for the club. I really didn’t like the book that much, I mean it was fine but it wasn’t my favorite. The movie however was very good. I really enjoyed the movie and wanted to learn so much more about Julia Child and I wanted to watch Meryl Streep continue the roll. It was a wonderful afternoon with my friend B, my mom and my bloggy friend Heather.

The book we discussed this month was Those Who Save Us by Jenna Blum. It was an amazing book and my favorite (so far). It was a story based on the Holocaust and a German woman named Anna, but then it also followed her daughter Trudy in other chapters, fantastic and easy read. I highly recommend this book.

Well I’m off to e-mail my members, if you read anything. Read this.

New Camera Equipment

I went shopping and not for clothes. I was able to purchase some new camera equipment, with my moms help! Squeal!! I got an awesome crumpler camera bag, I love that it’s lime green inside (my favorite color). I also got two new memory cards, a spare battery, a lens cloth, a USB CompactFlash card reader and, AND the best… a 70-210mm lens. I look so professional now.



Today I put all of that new camera equipment to good use. I am photographing some ponds for my mother and the company she works for. They are going to use the photos in advertisements and displays.

Things I Love Thursday – Uber Cool Mom/Photography Blog

Things I Love Thursday

Today I found the most amazing blog, Katherine Marie Photography.  I’ve almost lost my whole morning reading through her blog. I feel like a groupie but here are some of the most amazing things I found on her creative/photography blog.

I loved her family organization center

The easter baskets were amazing

Candyland Invites are a must, please lord let L want a Candyland party next year

The play kitchen she had a carpenter build for her is tres chic

Valentines that resemble crayons but yet are edible

I really could go on and on. Check her blog out, if you are crafty she will leave you in awe. Also visit The Diaper Diaries for more TILT.

She laughs in the face of change

SHE LOVES KINDERGARTEN. Why in the world was I having anxiety attacks this afternoon. Silly Mommy!! She ran out to greet me today at pick-up full of smiles and tons of news. She didn’t want to stop talking about her day and all her new friends. This is great news, now I can relax.


L is at school today, all day. Well at least until 2:45 pm. There were tears today, mine not hers. She sat at her desk like a big girl, she took her lunch, she by all means was ready. Me, not so much. It’s 1:30 pm and I’m getting anxious. I cannot wait to give her a giant hug and hear all about her day. She was excited this morning but last night she was a little worried because I wasn’t going to be there this time. So I printed off a picture of her and I, just in case I had a clingy little girl this morning. I placed the picture in her backpack and told her Mommy was always with her. It just seems like she’s been gone forever today. I know each day will get better.

2011 Senior Student Model Search

Presented by my boss Holly McCaig. Here is a link to her Seniors website and here is a link to the down low on the contest.


A breakdown of what’s going on in my own words….

Holly is looking for a few good juniors that will be graduating seniors in 2011. If you’re outgoing this is the contest for you. You will get a complimentary headshot session (no obligation to buy anything), then your picture will be entered into a contest where your loved ones will vote for their favorite seniors picture. You could win prizes!! Woot!! Like free print credit, $250 Visa cards or an iPod.

If interested visit Holly’s senior page and complete the online entry application and have your parents fill out the online contract (they are the bottom of this page). The dates for the contest headshots are filling up fast hurry and book your time slot on one of these dates: September 25, 26 and 27 or October 3rd.

One more thing… come on boys, don’t be shy you’re eligible too. Now go check out Holly’s gallery, we can’t wait to meet you.

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I Heart Faces – Bubbles

I heart faces

This week’s theme is bubbles. What is it about bubbles that kids love, okay that I love too. I can’t help but photograph them everytime they play with bubbles.


I love this picture, it’s always been a favorite. J was using one of those battery powered bubble blowers, my brother is looking on in the background.

You can check out more entries by clicking on either of the buttons present in this post.


First Day of Kindergarten

Yesterday went fairly well. She walked right in and put her bag on her hook, found her name, sat down, put her nametag on and waited for further instructions. She did really well with the “school” part of the day, but when it came time to play she just really didn’t know what to do. She knew two other girls but she wasn’t all that interested in playing with them. She made two other friends, or so I thought. But during playtime she came up to me and requested that we go home. I told her it wasn’t time to go home yet and that we would soon.

Wednesday is going to be her first all day experience so hopefully it will go better. It’ll definitely be more structured which will be good for her. It’s also the first day that she has to take her lunch. Do I have pictures, why yes, yes I do.

All dressed and ready to go - waiting patiently to leave

All dressed and ready to go - waiting patiently to leave

A pic with GeGe before we leave

A pic with GeGe before we leave

She looks like such a big girl

She looks like such a big girl

L and J

L and J

The whole fam

The whole fam

"Mom come on let's go"

"Mom come on let's go"

Picture in front of school (she was getting tired of this)

Picture in front of school (she was getting tired of this)

At her table, looking so grown up

At her table, looking so grown up

Rug time with the teacher

Rug time with the teacher

A pic of me with my baby, I mean big girl

A pic of me with my baby, I mean big girl. At this point she was getting clingy

First day of kindergarten, DONE!!! Now for the first “full” day of kindergarten. One hurdle at a time.