Monthly Archives: August 2010

4 years ago

and this year…

First Grade

L started first grade this year and leading up to the first day I was a mess. I held it together and JT, J and I went to drop her off on the first day. She was a PRO. No tears, no fits. She just got ready and went right in to her desk. Every day since has been a breeze. It’s like she was meant to do this. I guess I’m in amazement because I was never good at school. I hated going and I never did the work. She loves the work and loves getting up to go. Hah but I must remember that this is first grade we are talking about, not high school.

The family on the first day. I must mention that I had strep at the time and didn’t realize it, so I was really sick in this picture.

GeGe stopped by for the annual first day photo.

J and L – they’re are growing up WAY too fast

And the first grader…

I’m so proud of her and I’m really loving her school this year. The teacher is awesome and I just love the principal and the school – so things are good.

My Baby is Almost 5.

It’s been over a month since I blogged. Good lord has this blog taken a backseat to life. I received another item to review and before I do that I figure I’d better get my readers back 🙂 someone remind me to take my name off those review lists. I don’t have time.

J is turning 5 on Sunday and I do not know where the time went. Last year I never did post pictures of his amazing party. Everyone came dressed as a superhero and I made these dossier’s with their names and their superhero identities. They were a huge hit. Well I thought (a year later) I would post some pictures and we can all reminisce about how much fun we had. These were all taken by my friend because conveniently my camera was not charged. Sigh. Anyway these are awesome.

J was Superman

L was Supergirl and her friends were the Powerpuff Girls

Our cousins or Storm, Harlequin, Batgirl and one of the Powerpuff Girls

Uncle Na and Aunt C – Evel Kneivel and Catwoman

Playing with his superheroes

J with my mom – she was Poison Ivy

Daddy and his cousin – Aquaman and the Joker

That damn pinata would not break – we know it was a pull string but those aren’t as much fun. So I took matters into my own hands

When it got dark we rode Uncle Na’s mini motorcycle up and down the alley. When I say we, I mean the guys.

SO MUCH FUN!!! This year’s party isn’t going to be as big. Just a few families over for a little barbecue because we leave for Disney in 32 days!!! That’s enough of a party even though it’s after his birthday. Thanks for walking down memory lane with me.