Monthly Archives: January 2010

Exciting News and Giveaway!!

I have exciting news. Of course it’s only exciting for me and my family… but wait there’s a reward for you too at the end of this post, so keep reading.

We are going to DISNEYWORLD, again!!

This will be our second trip and we are beside ourselves excited (ok maybe just me and the kids, JT will come around). We aren’t going until September so we have a really long wait but the prices will be worth the wait. We are all booked and in the process of paying the trip off. I think that JT is more excited about the fact that we will be staying in Daytona Beach for two nights and three days after Disney. So we not only get a trip to Disney but also a short beach trip. Whew!! I am feeling extremely spoiled right now.

I have an obsession with Disney! JT really puts up with it because since we booked I have had nothing but Disney on the brain. The Unofficial Guide is my reading material every night and I have touched base again with my friends over at disboards. It’s safe to say I’m a little obsessed. I like to research stuff so I can make the best decisions for fun and also so we can save money.

With all that said Disney Live! Rockin’ Road Show is coming to the Chaifetz Arena here.

PERFECT!! The show will be here in St. Louis on February 20th and the 21st. Here’s a little informational blurb about the show:

Hit the road with Mickey Mouse and your favorite Disney friends for a hilarious talent search in the all-new Disney Live! Rockin’ Road Show! Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Goofy set out on a zany road trip where audiences join in and help find the coolest acts around. Along the way, hit a high note with Cinderella; get your bounce on with Tigger; and shout out your loudest “yee-haw” at a hoedown with Woody, Jessie and Buzz Lightyear from Disney/Pixar’s Toy Story! Grab your family for a fun-filled getaway at this live, show-stopping adventure jam-packed with unexpected twists, turns and hijinks -right in your hometown!

Those shows are: Saturday, February 20th at 12:30, 3:30 & 6:30 and on Sunday, February 21st at 1:00 pm. Hop aboard for family fun at Disney Live!  Rockin’ Road Show.  A terrific family experience at a terrific value (right here in St. Louis). 

But I also have some discount information. Visit this link here or you can click on the picture above to purchase your tickets. Once there you can type in the promo code MBLOG for $18 ticket prices, it’s a savings of $13 dollars.

If you thought that was the exciting news for you, you’re mistaken.

I have a giveaway!!!

4 free tickets will be yours to pick up at will call for the 6:30 pm show on Saturday, February 20th

All you have to do is leave me a comment telling me which Disney character is your favorite and why. Also feel free to share any Disney tips or stories. It’s gonna be a whole lot of Disney on here for a couple months 🙂

I know this show will only enhance the excitement of our upcoming trip. The contest will end on Wednesday, February 10th. So hurry up and tell all your friends here in the Lou that Mickey’s come to town and I have your passes to fun. Okay that was a little corny, even for me. 😉 Good luck!!

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Sickness be gone!!!

So it’s been a week and one day since this sickness came into our home. It started with L. A slight fever and a nasty cough. We were up all night Tuesday night with her, steam showers and all. Poor girl had croup and a bad case at that. She is finally better today, Wednesday, one week later and has returned to school.

Now it’s J and myself. J has a nasty cough, runny nose and a fever still. Nothing high but it’s there. It’s weird the fever is always worse at night, around 5:00 he just starts laying around not moving.

I have a congested chest and a dizzy feeling when I stand. But thankfully I have a severely devoted and helpful husband. He has been running errands, taking kids to school and working from home to help out since it all started.

That’s what we’ve been up to. 😦

101 In 1001

The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past – frequently simple goals such as New Year’s resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

Those are the simple rules… I had a ton of fun making my list and I cannot wait to print it out and get started. I will keep the list in a place I glance at everyday, therefore it cannot slip my mind. I encourage you to do the same type of list. I’m already empowered and all I’ve done is formulate a few thoughts.

So check out my new page at the top of my blog 101 in 1001 and check back often.

Funny Things They Say 9

Three new J words that are cracking us up lately.

First of all our son is a HUGE Star Wars freak. It’s all about one scene for him in the Star Wars Part Three movie. He loves the scene where Anakin is defeated by Obi Wan Kenobi and is burned by the laba. No that’s not a spelling mistake. He calls it laba, no matter how many times we correct him. He always asks to watch “the Star Wars laba part”.

But also he likes how Anakin then becomes Darf  Bader or sometimes he says Dock Bader. Could eat him up. He stands in there watches that part of the movie holding his blue or red (depends on his mood) lightsaber. Sometimes JT stays in there and watches with him, J makes him be Obi Wan Kenobi and” I’ll be the guy that gets burned up”.

Then today he and JT were wrestling… J says “no more Daddy you made my contacts fell out”. What?!?! He must hear JT and I talk about wearing contacts.

He cracks us up. Speech therapy is going well in case you wondering.

Golden Globes Night

I love the Golden Globes and I cannot wait to see the hosting job by Ricky Gervais.

A “T” Christmas

Basically this is my husband’s families Christmas celebration.

I was really excited about having Christmas with my inlaws because I always love sitting around and chit chatting but also the gifts the kids were getting were at the top of their lists this year.

L received the American Girl doll Kirsten from Oba. Plus her accessories and an outfit for Kirsten. From her aunt, uncle and cousins she received the small Josefina American Girl doll and the crayon maker.

J received a huge Star Wars tank and some Star Wars characters from Oba and from his aunt, uncle and cousins he received the Batman robot vehicle and a Wolverine claw.

Opening cards from Oba.

J and his new figurines, he really likes this pose. The “cover my face with my new gift” pose.

L and Kirsten. She now owns all of the original American Girl Dolls… Kirsten, Molly and Samantha.

J and his tank and his wolverine claw, his big cousin (who is 17 – when did that happen, where was I) helped him open his presents. Oba’s in the background.

L with her Josefina doll and a great picture of Oba.

The last picture, a cute one of L and her cousin S, oh and Kirsten.

They had a fantastic Christmas. These kids got everything they wanted. Plus gift cards from their other uncle, aunt and cousin in Kentucky. So they could get more, like they needed more. 🙂

There you have it Christmas pictures are done and it’s only January 15th. Now, I’m off to take down my tree. Yes, it’s still up, don’t judge! 🙂

Two Christmases… and a third on the way

Picture heavy post, but aren’t most of them 🙂 I didn’t use my D70 a lot so most of these are from my Coolpix or taken by my dad and his camera.

Our Christmas Eve started at 2:00 in a rainy fashion. The kids were all dressed up and their coats were on, we opened the door and it was POURING outside. That makes everything more difficult. We were all dressed up and loading presents and kids in the car while dodging puddles and such. We weren’t feeling very Christmasy. We made it out to my Dad’s and the Christmasy spirit was back. We opened presents with my Dad and his wife and then we headed to my Uncle and Aunt’s house to see the extended family on my Dad’s side, that’s also where my brother joined us.

The kids by my dad’s tree

My family

My dad, his wife and the kids

All dressed and ready to go to the next stop

Setting cookies, milk and carrots out for Santa

Christmas morning started at 7:30. My mom was coming over that morning at 8:00 and neither of the kids were awake so JT and I got up a little early to get ready for the mayhem and to start the breakfast casserole. When mom arrived she woke up both kids to psych them up for Christmas.

The tree and packages untouched while the kids slept

My mom bringing the kids into the family room to see their presents (always a favorite part)

Jack noticed Santa’s footprints right away, the glitter was EVERYWHERE!!

The kids noticed their stockings first this year, which is unusual because every other year we do them last. I usually have to remind them.

Then we do Santa presents…


and then the Mommy/Daddy presents…


then GeGe presents… then presents from the kids to us, the ones they buy at school. I don’t have any pics of us opening 🙂

and then Unca Na and C presents. I was so happy, she really liked the album I made for her with all their engagement pictures.

then finally presents from Unca Na and C….


and possibly the best picture ever taken of my hubby… gifts from Na and C.

Whew!!! That’s all the presents here at our house. We then get cleaned up and head over to my mom’s house and open the presents from her. This year L received a My Twinn doll which is really cool, she was very excited about that and she received the Playmobil wedding set. J received his two large transformers (which he hadn’t stopped talking about wanting from August to Christmas) and the Playmobil jail set.

J with his new transformers (the kind we don’t have to “transform”)

L and I with her new My Twinn doll

My mom is well-known for her beautiful wrapping on presents


C, Na, JT and I got the best gift of all…. new bedding, a mattress and a box spring. The way I sleep has completely changed. I’ll have to post about my new bed someday.

Oh, did I ever mention my brother is a dork? No!!! Well this might be the proof you need…

After a wonderful Christmas at my mom’s we headed to my Aunt and Uncle’s house where everyone was required to bring a $10 gift. Then we had a white elephant exchange. This is where I pulled out my D70. I still didn’t take that many.

L with her doll waiting for present time to start

JT in another bad Christmas sweater. This time he decided to wear it in a way reminiscent of Mushmouth from Fat Albert

Random family shots… cousin O and her family, cousin A and her hubby and my uncle and grandmother.

Present time was fun, my Aunt wrapped up this ridiculously ugly sunglasses as her white elephant gift… guess who got them?! ME!!! I laughed so hard I was crying. Everyone said my reaction was priceless…

We had a fantastic time. We just laughed the entire time. One of my favorite parts of the evening… the drinks my cousin was serving me. A glass of vodka, triple sec and cranberry juice. YUM!!!

So that was our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Here was my house after all that….

We still had one Christmas to go, post coming.

No Chaos!

I really want to take the time to sit and blog Christmas photos but I am really enjoying my family instead. I am enjoying sitting and watching movies and playing Wii. I’m enjoying snuggles on the couch and art projects with L. Being on the computer takes time away from them lately.

I’ve enjoyed being with my family during our snow day on Thursday so much that I actually kept L at home from school on Friday because it was freakin cold outside, we overslept and I thought… I’m always a good parent. I always make the decisions I am expected to make. Can’t I just this once do what I want to do with my family and not be told what we have to do. Don’t worry it won’t become a routine.

Just because we are inside all snuggly and warm doesn’t mean that life has stopped. Coming up this week we have Daisy cookie sales starting and we have an appearance on Show Me St. Louis scheduled (L’s dance class – still a maybe). So life hasn’t slowed down too much but the snow sure did make for a nice break.

Wanna see those pictures… there aren’t as many so I think I can at least get those into a post. My poor family is probably sitting around, impatiently waiting for them. Just a few more days… PROMISE!

L shoveling the sidewalk with her new kid’s shovel. She hated wearing that coat too. It’s a boys coat but I figured it would keep her warmer. She complained the entire time that she looked like a boy.

My boy J. He could have spent HOURS out there playing. He had so much fun.

Even Marley joined us (my brother’s dog)

It’s a week today we lost our Boo. It’s still so sad. Sometimes you’ll be going about your day and I’ll think I hear him whining so I stop what I’m doing, go to open the backdoor and remember?! Each day we heal a little more.

A Missing Link

We have a chain link missing from our family today. Yesterday (Sunday, January 3rd) we put our beloved dog Rudy down. It was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do so far in my life. He was the sweetest and cutest dog ever.

We adopted Rudy in early December of 1998. When we met him in the visiting room at the Humane Society he was a tiny thing and he was so freaked out he peed all over the seat. We knew right away that we wanted him (weird huh?!)

He was frisky as hell, hated to be held and if you tried to hug and cuddle on him he would just bite you. He tore up a couch arm, so we got rid of that couch and so then he proceeded to chew the pillows on our newer couch (if you ever wondered why our living room couch doesn’t have pillows, that would be because of Rudy).

Eveyone said he was a beautiful dog, most people couldn’t get over the fact that he was 11 years old and didn’t have an inch of gray on him and he would run around the house and backyard like he was still young.

He was our first baby and was SPOILED, but then L and J came along and he took to it just fine. He was content to take a backseat and he would let L love on him. In fact, most nights you would find him sleeping in either of the kids rooms.

His most favorite place to sleep though was under our bed. I always used to worry that our bed would fall on top of him, and it did. Just once. We hopped out of bed so quickly and he was unharmed but I worried constantly about it happening again.

He had a beautiful thick brown coat with an undercoat so he was often hot. He loved to spend the day down in the basement, it was nice and cool down there but when he was ready to come upstairs he would come to the back door and whine. Usually one of the kids would open the door for him and he would prance in and run to each of us, as if he was taking a head count.

A couple years in a row we would have him goomed in the summer and we would have him shaved. HE LOVED IT, but we hated it. He looked so goofy. We used to call him a squirrel.

He did have his faults though (don’t we all).. he had a nervous bark. Any noise and he would bark, he often woke up the kids from their naps when they were babies.

He had a begging problem, of course this was our fault because we fed him from the table constantly. You would too if you had the cutest puppy face staring at you while you ate.

He lifted his leg to pee on our air conditioner one too many times and now we have to have the whole thing replaced outside.

He would throw up dirt with his back paws after doing his business so we always had ruts in our yard.

But all of that I would take back anyday just to have him here with us. In October Rudy was diagnosed with cancer and it was a pretty nasty one she said but he had surgery and most of it was removed. The doctor was concerned because she knew she didn’t get it all and it would come back, when we didn’t know. So a week before Christmas his leg started to swell again, JT took him to the vet and she said that yes it had come back and it was becoming more agressive. She gave us signs to look for when his end would be near, she thought he’d make it to spring. He didn’t.

The week of New Year’s he started to pee in the house, so unlike him and he started throwing up but we thought maybe it was because of his medicine he was on. Saturday night (1-2-10)  we were concerned because it was 9:30 and we hadn’t heard him at the door yet, which was odd. So JT and I went downstairs to check on him and when we approached him he didn’t get up. With a little prodding he stood and it was like his back legs were drunk. They were so wobbly and he couldn’t stand for too long and he could barely walk. We got him to go outside and when he came back in, he headed towards the back of the basement and was hiding. We knew it wasn’t looking good. We got him upstairs and under the bed he headed without eating or drinking anything, he was panting really hard and his heartbeat was really fast. We could tell he was in pain and struggling. We went to bed later that night a little concerned and thinking we would call the vet in the am.

In the am (Sun 1-3-10) he wouldn’t come out from under the bed and he was bleeding. He wouldn’t eat or drink anything so we called the vet and they were of course closed. We called our back up vet and they could see him at 2:45 pm. We knew in our hearts that we were probably looking at putting him down. Neither of us wanted to leave the house that day. I dropped the kids off at my mom’s and came back to help load him in the car. It took my brother, myself and JT to get him downstairs and outside. C met us out there and we all followed him to the car. JT put him in the backseat and sadly we left the house. It was a short drive and I kept trying to convince myself that maybe he would be coming home with us, maybe we were overreacting. Once we carried him inside he was standing there panting and bleeding all over the floor. Finally we were shown into an examination room where the doctor came in and told us that it wasn’t good. He could also tell that Rudy was suffering in pain without even examining him. They took him in the back to do an IV, while back there the doctor checked him out and basically he had no muscle left in his back leg, it was all tumor tissue and it had split open, hence the bleeding. He said it looked to have spread to his other leg and all the way up to his stomach. His skin was black, gray and red from the tumor. We were doing the right thing. The doctor came back once Rudy was in the room with us again and explained what was going to happen. His eyes wouldn’t close, he might relieve himself or take some gasping breaths. I couldn’t take it, I could not see him do any of those things. I had hoped he would just close his eyes and go to sleep… JT stayed with him while I cried outside. It was quicker than I thought, maybe only 5 minutes. JT came out crying and just walked away without a word, I made sure they had our phone numbers to all us about his remains and then followed JT outside. He told me that he sat and talked to him and petted him so he would know he wasn’t alone but it wasn’t all bad, yes his eyes remained open but nothing else seemed to happen.

I dropped JT off at home and went to pick up the kids. I cried heavily at my mom’s and L sat on my lap patting me. We left and brought them home. L ran into her room and grabbed her picture of Rudy and just started sobbing. Poor thing. She cried a lot that night and I just sat and held her.

It’s sad to see his bowl, I can’t look at pictures yet without crying. I’m afraid of his ashes. I know that sounds funny but I want him not just a box of ashes. Today I went and bought a beautiful vase and placed his collar on top, I cried, it was heartbreaking. Once we receive his ashes I will seal it so it can’t be opened again. We noticed tonight Roscoe (our other dog)  is a little sad, more lethargic than usual.

I know this post itsn’t grammatically correct and the sentences may not make sense but it’s about the only way I can get everything out. Please forgive me if I return with more sadness, talking about it helps. Maybe tomorrow I will have more pictures but for now there’s just one. I took a few pictures of him the other day, before Christmas, he hated my camera it scared him. Because in my mind I knew it would be his last Christmas with us, thank god I did.

He was our Rudy, our boo. We loved him and we’ll miss him forever.