Category Archives: Was just thinking


I’m going to pretend that I’ve been blogging every day/week and not address my absence because it’s just annoying when people go on and on apologizing for their absence. We’re all busy, you get it. I don’t have time everyday to sit down and put thoughts to blog.

Anyway I love pinterest. My husband enjoys my Recipes to Try board and my daughter actually watches me sometimes while I’m on pinterest and she’ll say “mom aren’t you going to pin that”?! Yes she know to say “pin that”. I’ve been told that many people love watching my boards. I have, as of right now… 41 boards and 1,227 pins. It’s insane.

I used to feel guilty for repinning someone’s pins especially if I repinned a lot of their pins. It felt a little staulkerish but I’ve gotten over that. It’s what the site is all about.

Nicole had a fantastic idea, in fact I’m going to reorganize my recipes to try board and make two like she did. One for Recipes I want to try and another one for Recipes I’ve made.

I have a new attitude that if I pin I might as well try it, there’s no sense in pinning something and not giving it a try.

Because of pinterest…

  • it’s easier to make my 2 week meal plan
  • it’s easier to plan a party
  • I fixed a hole in J’s jeans and received a ton of compliments
  • my holiday crafts are much more fun, ie Christmas
  • IĀ  took pictures of my Christmas cards and assigned them to contacts in my iphone
  • I always have ideas on gifts to make for loved ones

There are SO many other reasons I love pinterest but I won’t bore you any longer.

I’m having a party tonight, my house is clean and so I’m off to pinterest to look for dip ideas.

There has to be another word for BUSY

If there were a stronger word I would use it because the word BUSY seems like an understatement. Hah. I have this problem, I can’t say no. I’m learning, slowly but surely to say NO, but it’s hard.

I am currently signed up to help at our Trunk or Treat event, I am the chair of the Scholastic Book Fair, I am room mom for L, I am room mom for J, I’m co-leader for L’s brownie troop, I’m making L’s costume for Halloween and I’m running a photography business. All of this in my busy season. It’s Christmas card/gift season. Luckily I’m not doing it all alone. I have an excellent fellow leader for L’s troop and we only meet once a month so it’s not a big deal (it’s not eating up my time), my co-chair for the book fair is splitting everything with me right down the middle so it’s kind of like we are co-chairs and the room mom thing you don’t do by yourself, obviously.

I’m not complaining but I do think I took on too much. I’ll have to remember this, and remember not to sign up for anything else. But there’s more. I decided to try and sell some kid stuff in a local sale and I have to get that ready in the next couple of weeks. Plus the saddest and worst part… our dog is dying. As a matter of fact I think this might be his last night with us. It’s sad but it’s time. There is no reason to keep him alive for us, his quality of life is gone.

All of that is enough by itself but I’m still a wife, mom and daughter. If it weren’t for my lovely, understanding husband and a mom that helps everywhere she can I’m not sure it would all get done.

Luckily I’m organized!!

This weekend, starting Friday, we had a Girl Scout bonfire.

Saturday the kids had soccer, a play date and I helped shoot a wedding

Sunday I had an early morning session, a birthday party and an afternoon session

I missed being with my family on this beautiful weekend but we are going to have a nice Christmas with all the money I’m saving from working. Plus we had a nice dinner out tonight just the 4 of us enjoying each other and talking about the fun things the kids did with Daddy. I would say that I’m waiting for Monday so my life will calm down but really who is ever really waiting for Monday.

Have a great week friends.

Cringing as we speak

I don’t like Dr. Oz. I feel like his shows are always about something we are going to die from. Food, drinks, diseases… it’s a train wreck. No wonder I’m a big old hypochondriac and he can be my enabler.

The reason it’s always on in our house, it comes on after Days of Our Lives (that’s a whole other post). Today’s show is all about S3x – no I won’t use the correct word because I don’t want my blog visited by a whole lot of weirdos.

I’m not a prude by any means. I’m an open book you wanna know about my s3x life I’ll tell you. My husband just loves that, especially when I talk about him. Sorry honey. BUT, the correct anatomy words make me CRINGE!!! The V word was said so many times today on the Dr. Oz show that if I were playing a drinking game I’d be wasted. The P word is just as bad. Who is responsible for these words… good lord. I know I am not alone in thinking this way because these poor people on the show are giggling the whole time. Like it’s a dirty secret. I guess if we all used them more in daily dialogue would be better off but then we would all be cringing.

Are there words that make you cringe? I’m sure if I thought about it there are many more words that bug me.

Today I’m Loving

Nothing on my calendar

The fall like weather

Halloween decorations

The thought of switching over our closets

Editing a session from last Friday

Polyvore Style pictures on Pinterest

Finding crafts on Pinterest

Pinterest… šŸ™‚

Boots. I cannot wait to start wearing some boots but first I need to invest in some leggings or skinny jeans

Apple pie


There’s not much else going on, just really busy and we’ve just started.

What Happened This Week

Not so exciting things that happened this week, but yet important enough to talk about:

Outside Halloween decorations have been purchased (yeah)!!! How soon can I put these out? Is it like Christmas… you know 30 days is acceptable? Just wondering. Of course if JT allows there will be more (insert evil laugh here).

L came home on Tuesday and said that she was having a test on Friday. A test… I immediately flinched, my throat started to close up and my heart started racing, then I remembered she said SHE had a test, not me. Whew!!! She had to learn all 7 continents and the oceans. She mentioned that spelling was important but no matter how hard we tried she struggled with spelling the continents and oceans. I asked again, was spelling really a part of this test or was it just the names needed to be remembered. She told me that the spelling probably wasn’t important and I wanted to believe her because it really seemed hard for her. So we’ll see. Probably a note would have been nice… but it’s second grade. It’s kind of a big deal to a big, independent girl this year. Those dang teachers, the nerve of them trying to make my baby grow up.

J had a play date on their day off this week. It was with a bunch of 5/6 year old boys so L wasn’t really game. Instead I dropped J off with a very nice mommy and let him play while L and I visited Yucandu. We did some decoupaging and painting. We had a lot of fun. We need more time together to do stuff like that. Some one on one time. Here’s what we made:


J had a blast at his play date and didn’t even care that I didn’t stick around. I’m losing him too to that pesky independence thing.

Things are much better on the boundaries front so that proves that I just needed to relax. I will probably be deleting that post because she has requested me as a friend on FB. We don’t need any more issues in our lives so the post will go. Thanks to all for your advice. You are all awesome.

Last night we had a date night. It was really great to get away and enjoy dinner, drinks and friends. Our babysitter is AWESOME so no I won’t be sharing her name šŸ˜‰ she is so good that someone would steal her away from us. Anyway we ate at Home Wine Kitchen and the food was out of this world. So yummy and So expensive but worth it.

and finally I know many of you have seen this but it’s too funny, he is the most delightful man and so sweet to his wife.

Things I’ve Discovered

… that I tend to wear hats on bad days. Days I feel sick, bad hair days, etc.

… I hate answering the phone, when the phone rings I have so much anxiety email me or text me and I have no anxiety

… I’m actually shy, I have a hard time meeting new people and this new school is testing me at all turns. I’m surrounded by nothing but new people. I’m trying though. I’m putting myself out there.

… I LOVE using ellipses (can you tell), I’m an over-user, I need help, like an ellipses help group

… I’m addicted to Pinterest

… I’m really ready to start decorating for Fall and Halloween, I could almost get whiney about it. I won’t because then you might not come back. But I’m over the 90 degree weather, I’m over the air conditioner, I’m ready to wear my new Frye boots… you get it (another ellipses)

… I over react. I think that you shouldn’t jump to conclusions when you aren’t used to a situation… like yesterday’s post. I’m used to my time with my kids and my family but here’s the thing… didn’t we move here so the kids would have more friends. YES. So, I’m just going to calm down now and breathe through all of this. It’s a little overwhelming.

… I love Parenthood!! I missed all these neurotic family members.

… I’m insane. Apparently I will do anything to fit in. I am the chairperson for our school’s Scholastic book fair, I volunteered to help at a school event, I’m coming into my busy season and I’m a co-leader for L’s brownie troop. Don’t get me wrong I love that I volunteered for all of it, it’s just a bit much and I hope I can do it. Oh, plus I just decided to maybe add a part-time job. We’ll see how that pans out.

… I really enjoy our new dinner/drinking events on our neighbors driveway on the weekends. I’m beginning to like beer and gossip. Hee hee.

… Lastly it feels really good to be back blogging.

Getting Caught Up

How about some pictures as a way of catching up… Sounds good to me šŸ™‚


L turned 7

I turned 35

School ended and we said goodbye to the kids beloved teachers and school (and uniforms)


L got a haircut. 8 inches cut off.



We went on vacation to the Gulf. It was the first time the kids had been to the beach. We had a fantastic time.

We attended the Webster Groves 4th celebration/fair

The kids did really well at swim lessons, we now have two swimmers

We visited the Magic House, which I loathe by the way but we went with a good friend and her two girls so it was SO much more tolerable

We visited Springfield, IL because L loves history and wanted to learn about Lincoln

We hiked and swam at Johnson’s Shut-Ins

The kids started school at their new school

We bought some new furniture

My baby boy (J) turned 6

Jackson and I have a new love for legos, something we can do together

Lillie has lost some teeth (FINALLY)

and yesterday was JT’s birthday – I got this idea off of Pinterest. LOVE PINTEREST!!!

SO those were the key points that got us to now. We had a fantastic summer. It seemed to fly by which is terrible, we would’ve all loved more time together. After a couple of rough weeks starting school now everyone is adjusted and doing well.

I’m Taking It Back…

My blog that is… no more reviews. I’m not interested in selling anything. I just want to talk about stuff on my mind and show pictures of my kids. I’m busy so I can’t guarantee that I’ll post ALL the time but I’m gonna try.

I was going to forget this blog and start a new one at blogger but holy cow is blogger much different than wordpress. I’m used to this so I just changed a few things. I got rid of some of the pages, changed the theme to something cheerful, oh and I changed the NAME. Something more appropriate. My blog used to be called Why Are They Calling Me Mom?! and by now I know why they are calling me mom because I do have some skills or else my children would be in DFS’ custody šŸ™‚

So welcome back if you haven’t been here in a while.

Random Letters To Whom It May Concern

dear rude lady in her car,

It is always polite to wave thank you when someone is kind enough to let you turn in front of them. But I suppose it’s hard to wave thank you when you are talking on your cell phone and drinking a cup of coffee. Thank god for your knees because what else would you be able to use for driving.


Me (the woman behind you shaking her head in disgust)

dear neighbor,

Your lovely dog is outside barking at you. It’s been about 30 minutes. The reason your dog is probably barking incessantly…. it’s pouring rain outside and I’m pretty sure you’re dog is not enjoying it’s shower.

your neighbor,


dear god,

This is a toughie. We all know that you’re the big guy, decision maker if you will. I’m pretty sure you know what you’re doing, but this rain… it’s getting ridiculous. Pretty soon I’m going to need a row boat to get to my trash can outside. If you could just give me a heads up on the whole ark thing so I can get started on the building I’d appreciate it.

Forever yours,

Oh you know who I am

dear national newscasters,

When interviewing someone from our state (Missouri) could you try to find someone that has all of their teeth or possibly someone that can formulate an intelligent thought. I’m just sayin… this is a great state to live in and we would really love to represent!!

Thank you,

A concerned Midwesterner


In honor of my new love of Pinterest I thought I’d list other things I am loving right now.

  • Pinterest
  • Little girl swimsuits, they are so much more fun to look at then swimsuits for me
  • Wreaths, I’m obsessed with making or finding the perfect one for our front door
  • My Nook Color
  • The Office Staff singing their version of Seasons of Love to Steve Carrell
  • Tina Fey’s book Bossypants
  • All the sewing ideas in my head
  • Sprite
  • Licorice, Red Vines not Twizzlers
  • Real Simple Magazine
  • Our moving announcements I just ordered
  • J signed up for T-ball
  • L & J signed up for swim lessons
  • My new address on my drivers license
  • Angry Birds Seasons
  • 70 degree days with sunshine
  • Sitting on the front steps with the neighbors watching the kids play
  • Mike Kraszinski, he’s such a freakin cutie. I’m sure the movie studio totally screwed up the movie Something Borrowed but he couldn’t be cuter in the previews
  • There’s a new Shopaholic book, It’s in my library on my nook…. just waiting for me.
  • Book club is this week and we’re eating Japanese food
  • My birthday present from my good friend. It’s an antique cradle for my business.
  • I’m booking sessions already. Yeah me!!
  • I’m streamlining my business this year to be newborns, kids and families.
  • Bethenney Frankel’s Ever After show
  • Sunflower seeds

That seems to be all I can come up with…