Monthly Archives: February 2011

Felt Corsage

I love sitting down and creating fun things and the best time to do that is Valentines Day. What a fun holiday. You give people stuff just because you love them. You are able to show someone that they mean something to you. Plus it’s always the day after my anniversary so I get lots of love this time of year. 🙂

The kids and I picked out their Valentines so I bought all the materials and we’ll make those this weekend and will post how they turn out, well I’ll mean too we’ll see if it happens.

Did I mention we have a very busy weekend. FUN lots of fun will be had. Tomorrow night we are attending a family dance at the school. All our friends are going with their kids. We are really looking forward to being together. I saw this tutorial (awesome blog by the way) and decided these would be perfect for our friends and their daughters to wear at the dance. So excited. L loves hers and so do the friends I’ve given them to so far. They are felt wrist corsages. Every girl needs a corsage to wear to the dance. I made purple for L’s bestie and her mom; Yellow for a good friend and her mom, Pink for another special mommy and her daughter and finally red for L and I. J of course felt left out so I made him an arrow and an XO bracelet to wear around the house. They were a lot of fun to make. I could probably keep making them too if I hadn’t run out of velcro (the velcro gets a little wonky in the pictures because I was using scraps towards the end). One last thing, I decided instead of tying them with ribbon like the tutorial I cut ribbon and put a little fray check on the ends and added the velcro. Voila. Much easier and less complaining from my 6 year old about it falling off.

What a terrible picture but oh the laziness I am feeling tonight. We will all be wearing them tomorrow so I hope to get some awesome pictures tomorrow night.

I plan on making bean bags for all of L’s little friends and then incorporate them into a game for her Valentines party. We’ll see how far I get. It shouldn’t be too hard though it’s only 24 squares of felt to cut out and then sew together. Easy breezy.

Super excited today because I walked into Joanne’s with a heaping list of stuff to pick up and had $40 in my pocket. I knew I’d have to pull out my debit card to cover the difference but I had two coupons, got everything on my list and walked out with $7 change. WOW!! Being frugal is awesome. If I’m not careful it might become habit.

Well I had a horrible day so I’m off to bed. I need to try and get past page 22 of my book club book. I’m not a fan so far. G’night.

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