Monthly Archives: January 2012


I’m going to pretend that I’ve been blogging every day/week and not address my absence because it’s just annoying when people go on and on apologizing for their absence. We’re all busy, you get it. I don’t have time everyday to sit down and put thoughts to blog.

Anyway I love pinterest. My husband enjoys my Recipes to Try board and my daughter actually watches me sometimes while I’m on pinterest and she’ll say “mom aren’t you going to pin that”?! Yes she know to say “pin that”. I’ve been told that many people love watching my boards. I have, as of right now… 41 boards and 1,227 pins. It’s insane.

I used to feel guilty for repinning someone’s pins especially if I repinned a lot of their pins. It felt a little staulkerish but I’ve gotten over that. It’s what the site is all about.

Nicole had a fantastic idea, in fact I’m going to reorganize my recipes to try board and make two like she did. One for Recipes I want to try and another one for Recipes I’ve made.

I have a new attitude that if I pin I might as well try it, there’s no sense in pinning something and not giving it a try.

Because of pinterest…

  • it’s easier to make my 2 week meal plan
  • it’s easier to plan a party
  • I fixed a hole in J’s jeans and received a ton of compliments
  • my holiday crafts are much more fun, ie Christmas
  • I  took pictures of my Christmas cards and assigned them to contacts in my iphone
  • I always have ideas on gifts to make for loved ones

There are SO many other reasons I love pinterest but I won’t bore you any longer.

I’m having a party tonight, my house is clean and so I’m off to pinterest to look for dip ideas.