Monthly Archives: November 2010

Toy Catalogs

In the spirit of trying to fight the GRINCH… and since my kids are in the spirit I thought I would share this poem from one of our favorite Christmas books. It’s really fitting for my kids. You should see our stack of 15 or so catalogs and the two pages of lists they each have. Did I mention I’m teaching them this year that giving is better than receiving… yeah, ok. Just wanted to make sure. So anyway here’s the poem. I’m sure some moms can relate.

Toy Catalogs

(To the tune of “O Tannenbaum”)

From the book: Where Did They Hide My Presents?

by: Alan Katz and David Catrow


Toy catalogs

Toy catalogs

Each morning I inspect ’em

They’re volumes of

The stuff I love

That’s why I must collect ’em

These days they’re truly all I read

they’re crammed with stuff I truly need

I take care of

Toy catalogs

I guard and I protect them


I’m copying

My catalogs

So Santa will know better

I’ve circled everything I want

‘Cause I don’t need a sweater

A building set, a bass guitar

A jumbo jet, a racing car

Dear Santa Claus, I’m sorry it’s

A thirty-nine page letter


Toy catalogs

Toy catalogs

They make me so ecstatic

But thanks to these

Toy catalogs,

My life is problematic

If Santa brings each thing I ask,

To fit it all will be a task

My room is filled with catalogs,

So I’ll move to the attic!

Like I mentioned it’s a great book and it’s one of our favorites. You can see it here at Amazon. This isn’t a review I just was reminded of this poem as I was moving the stack of catalogs they have each accrued just so I could dust underneath them.

Fighting the Grinch

Christmas music has started!!! It’s playing on the radio right now. Really!!! Does anyone else think this is a little soon? I’m used to the stores getting carried away after Halloween, that’s a given. But I’ve seen two homes with trees up already. This is blowing me away this year. I think I need time to decompress and I usually use the time between Halloween and Thanksgiving to do just that. We all know the craziness starts the weekend after. It usually dawns on me as I sit and watch the news reports about Black Friday and people running each other over to just to purchase the perfect Christmas present for their husbands or kids. I don’t join in that debacle can you tell? I would rather poke myself repeatedly in the eye with a fork then venture out in the madness of Black Friday. I even plan my car trips that day AROUND the malls or large shopping areas. It’s enough to make me cuss, the big words, in front of my kids.

So as my title states I am really trying to fight the Grinch this year. I’m going to focus on the things that I’m thankful for for these next two weeks.

  1. My loving husband, he is the person in this world that completes me
  2. My kids. I look at them growing lately and it just warms my heart. I love them so much it hurts.
  3. My mom. Without her I can’t do anything, with her I can accomplish everything. She is so supportive of me and I love her immensely
  4. My friends. New and old. Every one of them enriches my life.
  5. My camera. I’m able to earn a little money and be creative at the same time.
  6. My daughter’s teacher. I really love her teacher this year, L is so happy and learning so much, we have the perfect fit for us.
  7. Fall. My favorite season, never mind the fact that my cough will not go away, who cares. Look outside, it’s beautiful. The cool weather means bringing out my favorite sweaters and boots and that makes me happy.
  8. New opportunities. I’m the new Daisy leader for my daughter’s troop. It’s a lot of work but I’m so happy I get to do something for her that she is thrilled about.
  9. Hugs. My son is the best hugger. He loves to cuddle still and I love that. I know it’s not going to last forever.
  10. Books and Magazines. I love to read and now so does L.
  11. Technology. I’ll admit it, I love all things electronic. My TV, my phone, my laptop, etc.
  12. Good health. Except for a cold and some allergies we are all healthy (knocking on wood).
  13. Being able to give to others in need this year. We’ve decided we’re going to participate in Operation Christmas Child. It’s time to teach the kids about giving to others is WAY more important than getting.
  14. Groupon. Because of Groupon I have two gifts taken care of. Thank you Groupon.

Well that’s all I can come up with today because my brain hurts. I’m off to call the doctor this sinus infection I’ve had since September won’t go away.

I Miss My Blog

I really do miss my blog. I haven’t had time to keep up, which is a good thing. My business is really starting to take off. I worked a lot this October. In fact I had 11 sessions. I held a contest for my clients to vote for their favorite picture, which went really well. So yeah.

Tomorrow I’m taking my family’s pictures. I’m really excited. I love it when I have an idea in my head and I get to make it happen. I’ll share some outtakes, if I get a chance to come back.

We have big news… we have decided that we are definitely moving. Probably after the new year. I won’t say where (on here) it’s not completely decided yet, it’s still in the Lou but it’s going to be a big change. New house, new school, new everything. It’s a good thing.

JT had uber minor surgery yesterday so I’m playing single parent this weekend, the kids are fine, the housework… fine. It’s the dog. Ugh I definitely take for granted the fact that I don’t have to do anything for that dog except pet and love him. JT takes care of the “care” part. Get better soon dear. Love you.

Getting excited about the holidays. Love doing it up big so getting ready for that 🙂 But not too soon. We always wait till after Thanksgiving.

Well it’s more of bullet point blog post but it’s better than nothing I guess.