Monthly Archives: June 2009

A Bit Crazy This Week

I have a HUGE project going on in the backyard this week. It’s likely to eat up a lot of my time. Today we started organizing and working around 4:30 pm and ended at 9:30 pm (so tired). I thought I would just tell everyone, especially those who know me, that if you are trying to get a hold of me please patient.

The co-op is coming along so far I have 11 people interested and I only need 12 to start so YEAH for that. It’s hard right now though to get that going and finish my backyard project. To much going on at this exact moment.

Don’t worry there will be pictures of the BIG project when I am done. Can’t wait to be done.

A couple things

Before I head to my dad’s today I thought I would post about the produce co-op I am starting. Mine will take place here in the St. Louis City so if you are interested please visit this link and let me know. My friend Heather did a great comparison on her blog… what she got in her box vs. what she would pay at the grocery store. You should check it out if you are interested.

Finally I did another layout I am really proud of and thought I would share because, well, where else am I going to show off my work. 😉

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I found the sketch on the Scrapbooks and Cards website.. it’s the August one. Also excited to try some of the sketches on the So Sketchy blog, thanks to my friend MaryJo for having it on her blogroll, it’s a great blog for scrappers.

One more layout

Thank you U-Verse with your unseen, brand new to my children… movies. They are both so tired from their “sleep over” last night that they are laying around watching Are We There Yet. While they were doing that I was able to finish one more layout. I used the June 2Peas sketch and I think it turned out really cute.


Finally getting back into the swing of the creative process. Now I just need more photo paper.

Finally Scrapbooking Again

It feels like it’s been forever since I scrapbooked. I missed my class submission at 2Peas for May but it’s fine, at least I still got the sketch done. I need to get a few supplies, like photo paper and adhesive, I’ve completely run out of those things. Anyway, here is my newest layout…

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Like I said I used the 2Peas May sketch and I used my May 2009 kit from Paper Posies.

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More random…

Just more random stuff, like you need that in your life.

I mentioned earlier that J woke us up this morning by coming into our room and sobbing. I hate to hear him like that. It breaks my heart. When JT woke up and asked him “what’s wrong buddy” (that breaks my hear too) he was crying so hard, “I peed in my bed”. Poor guy. He wears a pull-up every night and I would say 1 day out of 12 he will wake up wet, so it’s not that often. I have no idea why he leaked outside the pull-up but it was really upsetting to him and it was upsetting to me because it’s not that big of a deal. I told him that it’s okay, we’re not mad at him and accidents happen. Poor baby.


I swore I wasn’t going to comment but I have seen many other posts where people feel the same as myself so I will say just a few things about Jon and Kate. I was upset watching the show. I knew that they were going to announce a separation but I hadn’t been on-line Monday and had no idea they were also filing for divorce. I was sad for them but it brought back so many memories of my own parents divorce. I was sad for the kids mostly and a little for Kate. Not much sympathy for Jon. It’s not all his fault, a marriage is made of two people but I just feel like he wasn’t acting like a grown-up. But it’s really not my business and that’s what’s so sad. Now would be the time to wrap the show and move on. I actually cried when they showed them getting the kids into the car via umbrellas and Jon held the umbrella over her while she got in the car. I was crying more for my family and the things that I feel like could’ve been but it all works out for the best in the end.


Last night the kids wanted to have a sleepover in L’s room (she has a trundle) so I agreed. I thought it could be fun for them and didn’t see any harm in letting them try it. They were up till 10:30 pm talking and laughing. JT and I had to go in there four times to get them to calm down. Finally the last time JT visited her room, J had had enough. He requested to go back to his bed and L was upset. But everyone was in their own beds and asleep by 11:00 pm. So today we are staying home. I know there are meltdowns in my future and that’s fine but at least we’ll be at home.


There is a Lutheran club here in the city that has gymnastics, aerobics, dance lessons and the best of all… a pool. So JT and I were looking into joining. Problem is, no one will call me back. I have e-mailed them, called them and left a message and nothing. Seriously. This drives me crazy more than anything else. I believe in customer service, apparently they don’t.


I am starting a veggie co-op here in the city. It’s going to be awesome. If you live in St. Louis and you watched the Moms Like Me show last week (my friend Heather was on there, you can visit her blog and see a clip of the show) then you will know what I am talking about. I am very excited and I think I have a friend that is going to kind of help out and be my back-up. I will have more info once the co-op gets started.


That’s all my random stuff in my head. I feel almost cleansed.


I am posting early this morning because I have had some crazy dreams the last two nights.

The night before (Tuesday night, Wednesday morning) I had a dream that someone I used to know showed up at my house and rang my doorbell. When I answered I knew I didn’t want to see the person (they’ve become a bit of a stalker). The person pulled out a gun and shot me in the chest, in front of my kids. My kids started screaming and ran to me. I was so worried that he was going to shoot them too but they just walked to their car and left. My brother’s girlfriend heard all the commotion and took the kids into her apartment and called 911, my mom and JT. I told her to keep them in there while the ambulance came because I didn’t want them to see me that way. I woke up before I found out if I lived or died.

That’s a BAD dream. Not just bad but horrible. One that definitely stuck with me. No idea what I am supposed to learn from that one. Perhaps ask who it is before I answer the door.

The second dream was last night. I had a dream that JT cheated on me and we were working through it. He all of a sudden decided that he wanted a divorce but we were trying to remain as friends. I didn’t want the divorce and was really sad sitting at the dinner table listening to him talk about all the fun things he was going to be able to do. He was talking to me like we were friends. I went into the kitchen to get one of the kids milk when J followed me in there and said I don’t want you to get a divorce. I looked at him and told him that it wasn’t me, I wanted to stay married to his Daddy. JT came in and said that he was so happy and he couldn’t wait until the morning when he could get down to city hall and change his name (??). I started to cry as he walked out of the kitchen and J gave me a hug. I woke up to J crying in our bedroom.

I think that possibly this one might be from the over exposed story of Jon and Kate. I don’t really have an opinion on the situation except that it’s said when parents get divorced. I was 22 and it wasn’t easy, no matter what age you are. But sometimes it’s for the best. My parents are happier now. So no more Jon and Kate news stories for me. It’s weird, it’s not like I am reading every single article or watching those special Jon and Kate Plus 8 shows they are creating on E or whatever channel that is…

Oh well just two really weird dreams. I had to get them off my chest.

Father’s Day

JT had a wonderful father’s day. He was allowed to sleep till 9:00 am while I kept the kids occupied. When he woke up we opened his cards and his presents.


A work shirt from me, a Batman keychain from J and a jar of things we love and know about our Daddy from L

Getting a kiss from L

Getting a kiss from L

The loves of my life

The loves of my life

When the presents were opened we cleaned up and headed out for donuts and coffee. We sat on my mom’s front porch enjoying a nice breeze and the conversation. Afterwards we went home to play in the backyard. We set up the pool and sprinkler and were out there for a good two hours just having water fights and relaxing

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After swimming and water fun we got cleaned up yet again and headed to dinner/breakfast with my mom and grandma. Dinner was so yummy and afterwards we did a little shopping at Old Navy and Borders. What a fantastic day. I had fun and I’m pretty sure my hubby did too.
Happy Father’s Day JT!! We love you.

The circus came to town

The circus came to town (Circus Flora) and we were thrilled to go. L was beside herself excited all day and couldn’t wait to get there. It made for a long morning, the show wasn’t until 2:00. It was a really hot day but the circus kept boasting about the air conditioning inside so we didn’t think it would be that bad. It wasn’t during the second part, when they finally turned the air up. The kids were only bothered by the heat for a little while and then they just sat and soaked the whole thing in. J liked the trained dogs and L’s favorite part was the girl that stood up on the horse’s back and did some aerobatic tricks. JT and I also enjoyed the show, I think the circus is enjoyed by all, even if you’re an adult. How could you not love the clowns, the trapeze and the high wire act. It was pretty fantastic. J did ask where the elephants and lions were. I had to explain to him that it was a local circus and we don’t have lions and elephants here in St. Louis, only at the zoo. It was quite the discussion. L was loving every minute she kept looking at me and pointing. She would say “Mommy I so want to do that, I want to be in the circus.”

Sitting outside waiting for the circus to start

Sitting outside waiting for the circus to start

Sharing a fruit slushie

Sharing a fruit slushie

Mommy and L

Mommy and L

Daddy and J

Daddy and J

There are no bad seats at this circus

There are no bad seats at this circus

Photo Monday – Something Local

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Such a crazy day. I haven’t had internet access all day because we are having U-Verse finally installed and last week my blog was having trouble loading pictures. I had this post all read to go for last Monday but instead I saved it for this week.

While driving downtown one day (after picking up Gus’ pretzels) we drove by the old Lemp Brewery. My grandmother claims to have connections to one of the first Lemp brewmasters so I took a few pictures for her. Here’s one of my favorites….


There you have it a Photo Monday post a week late. If you would like to play along just leave me a comment.


Irish Mama

Next week’s topic: Talent

Testing Anxiety

I have always suffered from testing anxiety. Always. It was really bad in high school. I would learn the material and freeze up at test time. I pray I do not pass this on to my children. If I’m going to though, there’s no time like the present. I’ll explain.

Today we ran some errands and when we came home there was a message from L’s new kindergarten teacher on our callnotes. I first thought it was just about coming over to meet our family. NOPE. It was in regards to setting up an appointment for kindergarten testing. What?! She has to go in and have readiness testing done, I thought the preschool teacher already did this testing. So I asked the teacher is this a pass/fail kind of thing?! She didn’t answer my question, which means she didn’t put my mind at ease. All she said was, “I’m going to go over letter and number recognition with her and a few other things. You’ll be able to sit in the hallway and wait for her. The whole thing takes about a half hour.”

The anxiety, oh the anxiety and I’m not even the one taking the test (this one I could pass). L is familiar with her letters and numbers but when you put her on the spot she tends to stumble a little becacuse she’s more on the shy side, so unfortunately it’s not her strong suit. So not knowing how she’ll do we did some practicing today. I took a piece of poster board and tested her myself. I mixed up the alphabet and pointed to them while asking her what they were. She passed my test but I’m her mommy, she’s comfortable with me. So after my own alphabet review we talked about how her teacher is super nice and she will need to answer her questions. I also told her that mommy wasn’t going to be in the room with her but I was going to wait outside and she’d be perfectly fine because she’s as nice as her preschool teachers, if not nicer. I’m trying not to make this a big deal, especially in front of her, because I know it’s not a big deal but I want my children to succeed in everything and not let their shyness slow them down. L would hesitate on an answer just because she doesn’t want to be wrong and upset the teacher, I’ve seen her do this with her preschool teachers. So I’m not going to think about it and I’m just going to enjoy my weekend. There’s plenty of time to be anxious on Monday and I know that she will do her best, that’s all I will ever ask of her.