Monthly Archives: December 2008

Happy New Years Eve!!!

champagne    So I could do a whole post on resolutions but that would to easy and I never keep resolutions so there you have it. No I will just say that on this night of what we like to call “amateurs” we will be at home all toasty and warm and spending this night together as a family. We have received invitations to attend parties but we just aren’t the New Year’s Eve partying type.

We will be eating soup and appetizers, sipping some champagne and apple juice and welcoming in the new year in our own recluse style and I couldn’t be happier.

So Happy New Year to all of my readers (family, friends and the like) may this be a good year for you and your family. We feel here in our house that it will be a trying year but with our heads held high we look forward to ringing it in and just in case you need to know the words of Auld Lang Syne (which happens to be my current ring tone and makes me teary eyed every time), look no further:

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind ?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And days o’ lang syne ?

For auld lang syne, my jo,
For auld lang syne,
We’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.

And surely ye’ll be your pint-stowp !
And surely I’ll be mine !
And we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.


We twa hae run about the braes,
And pu’d the gowans fine ;
But we’ve wander’d mony a weary foot,
Sin auld lang syne.


We twa hae paidl’d i’ the burn,
Frae morning sun till dine ;
But seas between us braid hae roar’d
Sin auld lang syne.


And there’s a hand, my trusty fiere !
And gie’s a hand o’ thine !
And we’ll tak a right gude-willy waught,
For auld lang syne.


courtesy of Wikipedia!

Other Christmas Celebrations

So on the Friday after Christmas we always celebrate with my brother-in-law, sister-in-law, our niece, our nephew and JT’s mom. My brother-in-law is the best cook. He made my favorite, Korean pork steaks (yum, I can’t even talk about them without drooling). I actually told JT today that his brother could come over anytime and make those for me 🙂

Even talking about pork steaks, here are the pictures:

J received Pluto (he’s an expensive Planet Hero) for Christmas from my mother-in-law and he was so excited. He had been telling her earlier that evening about how that was the only one he didn’t have.


He was so excited he decided to attack me with a hug. I got this shot as he was running towards me.


I didn’t get a whole lot of L opening her presents, her back was to me) but here is one of her and my niece opening her dolls and clothes from Build A Bear’s sister company Friend 2B Made.


Then on Sunday my mom had my cousin and her husband over. He missed Christmas because he was driving here from Washington through all of that snow and crud. He finally made it on Friday night at 9:00. So they came over and we sat around and talked and played our Wii.

Here are the MEN enjoying some cigars and kids playing with their remote control car.


There – I am finally done. Christmas has been recorded (if only it was that easy to scrapbook). Now I am back to organizing and tearing apart the kids toy room/our office. Pictures to come.

Faces of Christmas Day

I have been working on this post for 3 days now…

Tradition on Christmas day is always fun, my mother arrives in the early morning and wakes the kids up for Christmas morning while JT and I “wake up” ourselves with coffee or whatever else. Then we open presents from us and Santa and take a billion pictures, here’s just a couple:

My mom waking up L


and waking up J, they are all just too adorable.


Christmas morning was a lot of fun. There was a stack for each kid and then the stack from Santa to open. We let the kids go first and then JT and I exchanged gifts.



We got cleaned up and headed to my mom’s to exchange presents with her, my brother and C, my grandmother and my aunt and some of her kids




Here’s a video of J playing with his new guitar and the rest of contributing. Yeah that’s my family!!!! Notice L was engrossed in her Barbie Dream House she didn’t want any part of the silliness.

Then we headed to my cousin’s house where we were joined by both of my aunt’s and all of my cousins, only one was missing. It’s been a while since we have ALL been together.

3 sisters


and a mom


Then you add the 3 sisters, a grandmother (mom) and all their kids – we didn’t get a picture with husbands and great grandchildren, we should have.


Our beautiful host and her husband who does have pictures taken of him with something in his hands other than just an alcoholic beverage (inside joke)


My children waiting ever so patiently for present time


So there you have it our Christmas Day celebration, only two more to show (sigh) and since this one took 3 days to put together who knows when you’ll get the others.

Faces of Christmas Eve

I’m back but not really in the mood to post a whole bunch of stories yet (we had a musical, techie christmas) so I have decided to just post my favorite pictures from each of our four day celebrations. It’s easy to type a sentence about each picture!

L opening her Christmas jammies on Christmas Eve before my dads, notice her hair in curlers, cracks me up.


Here’s J opening his drum set from Papa and Nana. He was so excited he was beating on the box.


Here’s L with her new Fancy Nancy Doll, she goes everywhere with us now.


My dad with his golf balls the kids painted. Best present ever BTW if you dad likes to golf, have your kids paint from golf balls so he can see them on the course. Maybe I’ll do a post about that closer to Father’s Day.


The kids dressed and ready to head out to my uncle’s house.


N8 and C putting out the luminaries at my dad’s house, something his whole neighborhood does.


At my uncle’s house the kids posed with N8 and C


My dad’s Christmas present this year… a camaflouge hat with ear flaps ??? Everyone was laughing so hard J decided to get in on the action.


Finally we got home at 10:00 pm and set the cookies and carrots out for Santa and hung our checklists that Santa sent us on our doors and fell asleep fast.


I’m still here

I haven’t forgotten about you but I have just been enjoying my time with my family, vegging out all day and playing our new Wii. So maybe tomorrow I will be back with a post. JT goes back to work on Monday so by then I am sure I will be ready to get back into my routine. Till then enjoy your evening.

Hobby Hump Day – No Peeking MOM!!!

So this is the present I am most excited about this year.





















I made this album for my mom this year. I think it turned out really well and I am so excited to show it to you. I tried to buy another acrylic house album but they were all out I would like one of these for myself. I can show you now because hopefully my mom is getting off of work and then she won’t have access to her computer.








There you have it. I am in love with it. I think it’s fun to see all of the pictures of our kids at Christmas through the years… starting with Ms. L in 2004. I still have a picture to add on to the back of the last page but I can do that after I give it to her. I hope she likes it as much as I do.

Check out more Hobby Hump Day on this fine Christmas Eve at 3inunder3.

Excited about Christmas Eve

So excited about tonight. I love Christmas Eve. I remember being a kid and sitting at my aunt or uncles and waiting for dinner, presents and going home to sleep. The excitement you would feel thinking about Santa coming that night and now it’s L and J’s turn. JT and I have our own little tradition. We come home, put the kids in bed, pour a glass of wine and open one gift from each other. Then we sit and talk with nothing but the christmas tree lights on and christmas music softly playing.

My little girl is so giving right now she keeps drawing pictures and placing them under the tree for her family and friends. My dad and his wife are getting an empty box that she has colored for Nana’s kitty. “So the kitty can stay warm and have a house.” Then my dad is getting a piece of cardboard that she has colored for him to use as a tray. “He can carry his drinks and food on it.” Part of me doesn’t want to drag this stuff all over the place but I don’t want to hurt her feelings so I will haul these pictures and boxes and pieces of cardboard (don’t worry Nana and Papa have been warned) so that she can feel like she is contributing and I think it’s more important that she is worried about giving rather than receiving. Oh and I have had the talk with my kids on how we act after we receive a present (we say thank you and don’t ask for more). We’ll see if it works, they say if you prepare your kids ahead of time and continue to talk about what you expect of them before the event you have a better chance of getting the behavior you want, but then again J will be functioning with no nap. We’ll see.

From our family to yours we hope you have a fantastic Christmas or any other holiday you might be celebrating tonight and tomorrow.


We had professional pictures taken again on Sunday. L has this amazing Christmas Eve dress that my mom made for her so we took her to get her picture taken in it. So here are there pictures in their Christmas Eve dress clothes:

L in her pretty dress and curly hair.


My little man. They grow up so fast.


Love this picture. This should have been the Christmas card picture.


Knock Knock

My kids are so into telling these horrifically, awful, no sense making jokes lately that JT and I have gotten really good at fake laughing. So I decided to try and teach them some knock knock jokes. I started with:

Knock Knock – Who’s There – Who – Who Who – Is there an owl in here?

It cracks them up everytime. L can kind of tell the joke but poor J just butchers it everytime. We went to Barnes & Noble last night and I found a little knock knock book. Most of the jokes are way over their heads but here’s the other one I tried teaching L:

Knock Knock – Who’s There – Catch – Catch Who – Bless You.

Again she cracks up everytime and she’s getting pretty good at telling these. So beware if you are planning to see us on Christmas you may hear these jokes several times either L’s really close versions or J’s precious butchered version. Just a little warning.

Looky here…

Look at what my little guy received today. So it’s not a bissball wobe (baseball robe) but it is a red superman robe and he couldn’t be more excited. Thank you GeGe!!!
