Category Archives: Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday – Things we’ve done this summer

I haven’t been blogging. I’ve been working. Busy actually which is fantastic. So blogging takes a backseat to my starting business. So I had a brilliant idea, I will top ten the things we’ve been up to this summer to keep you all up to date and actually for me too when I look back in a year. Oh and these are in no particular order.

1. We’ve seen all of the animated hits this summer (would you call Shrek a hit, not really) anyway the kids love searching for the movie poster and running to stand in front so I will snap a picture of them with my iPhone. Sometimes the sun was in their face, they didn’t care.

2. L can now swim underwater without a floaty. So proud. She’s made huge strides in swimming this year. Still not enough to trust her in there by herself or to swim in water where she can’t stand but we’re getting there. I don’t have a picture of this new feat because I’m usually hovering over her instead but she loves her goggles and hasn’t been without them… even in the backyard pool.

3. My mom took us to City Museum. It was our first visit and may be our only one for a while. That place is crazy. I had a hard time keeping up. Plus it’s so expensive. Looking through all of these pictures the day definitely deserves it’s own post.

4. My friend and I took L and her daughter to see Beauty and the Beast at the Muny. It was a lot of fun, sure it was sweltering but as long as we had water we were good.

5. We are counting down to our Disney trip with a movie night once a week. We have a themed dinner to represent the movie, we do a craft or activity and then watch the movie. Strike that. The kids and I watch the movie. JT sleeps. Oh and on the note of Disney we have 74 days!!! I hired a travel agent that is awesome, if you want her info I can pass it on. I have been able to relax. This picture is from our Meet the Robinsons movie night.

6. I took my mom to see Wicked. It was a really great play. Funny!!! A little weird at the end but hey I just went with it. I don’t have a picture of mom and I there, wish I did. We had great seats and we were all dressed up and pretty. But alas no picture.

7. The kids are doing great with their horse riding lessons. Both are good listeners and really enjoying their weekly lesson.

8. We’ve been hanging out with our friends and their new baby. Whom we all adore and love. Wanna see his newborn pics. They are on my hollajane blog here. Oh and he graces my header over there. So cute. Always looking for more cuties to photograph. His session was at 3 weeks old and it took two days. Poor guy was a little grumpy the first day. But all of them turned out so fantastic, if I do say so myself.

9. JT and I took the kids to Grants Farm on one of JT’s days off. L’s favorite animals were the clydesdales and J’s favorite part was the gift shop 🙂

10. Finally we had a family reunion in Salem, MO which was a lot of fun. It deserves it’s own post if I ever get done with editing pics I can get those up and loaded.

So there you have it, it’s been a great summer so far. L starts school August 16th and I feel like there is so much more we want to do. Like Six Flags, Purina Farms, picnic at Suson Park, Jungle Boogie, Movie night at Laumeier Sculpture Park…. lots of stuff. We haven’t even been to the zoo this year.

See more top ten lists at Oh Amanda.

Top Ten Tuesday

Wow I haven’t done a Top Ten list in forever and I figured it’s about time I got back on the band wagon. So in honor of the upcoming bridal shower I’m co-hosting I decided to list the ten places/stores I would have a registry (if I was allowed to do one again).

  1. Target – cause who doesn’t love this store. It’s like mommy crack. I could cloth my children, get some groceries, buy myself some new clothes, some new movies… you name it.
  2. William Sonoma – if I’m going to request new kitchen gadgets might as well go for the best. I really want a mandolin and some new pots and pans.
  3. Pottery Barn – A new couch without old spit up stains, a rug that hasn’t been peed or puked on, maybe even a new dining room table. The possibilities are endless
  4. – Yes you can now register for guests to pay for your children’s education. Um, where do I sign up?
  5. Lowe’s – Have you ever noticed if you start a home project how everything quickly adds up. This way you can register for all those unexpected things that happen or gift cards for all those visits you’ll be making
  6. Pier 1 – But the bad news is, my sis-in-law tried to register there and they informed her that it wasn’t possible. If you could… I would. I love walking around this store. It’s always so bright and cheerful. Some outdoor cushions and glasses or a hammock.
  7. – Yeah buddy. Everything under the sun at your fingertips. I always refer to Amazon when looking for ANYTHING. So this registry would come in handy.
  8. Travel Agent – yep I would totally love to take a second honeymoon courtesy of our second wedding guests. The options are endless on this one… the hard part – picking where to go.
  9. Container Store – All new organization items. I could start all over and be completely organized. My life would run smoothly. Who are we kidding but organization stuff is great stuff.
  10. Ikea – Cause come on who wouldn’t. Cannot wait till we visit Chicago in May because then I get to get my Ikea shopping fix.

There you have it where I would register if I was allowed to register again. Seriously why aren’t we allowed to register again. Why aren’t we allowed after 10 years of marriage to celebrate again and have our loved ones buy us stuff. Like a congratulations you made it to ten years. In this day it’s a huge accomplishment. Why have we as a society not started this yet?

Check out more top ten lists at Oh Amanda.

Top Ten Tuesday – Things that are making me happy

It has been two weeks of nothing but blessings. So I couldn’t help but make a list because I love lists.

1. My little boy and little girl being absolute treasures to be with lately…

2. A helpful and patient husband that loves us all deeply.

3. This outfit from Gymboree. It’s from my awesome mom. She got it for L and I cannot wait for the cool weather just so she can wear it all the time. I love hanging out with my mom lately. She’s so much fun.

4. Birthdays. J turned 4 on Saturday and JT’s birthday will be on Labor Day. So much to celebrate.

5. New packs of crayons only costing $0.25. Am I the only one that loves these??

6. My friends. S, B and Holly. All of them bring so much to my life and I’m so happy they are in it.

7. My camera. I’m having so much fun taking pictures lately (when the battery isn’t dead).

8. This weather. Yesterday’s high was only 71. We started the morning out in sweaters. Love sweaters. Fall (my favorite season) is right around the corner.

9. New school shoes. I love clean white tennis shoes or clean and pretty black dress shoes.

10. My daughter being the rockstar that she is at school. She has gotten a sticker on her good behavior chart everyday. She is still a little upset when she gets there in the morning but she’s fine by the afternoon. Oh and her uniforms are so cute.

Check out more top 10 lists at Oh Amanda.

Top Ten Tuesday – J’s Superhero Birthday

Top Ten Tuesday

This Saturday by baby boy turns 4. Seems like I was just giving birth to this little hurricane (he was born on the day New Orleans was destroyed by Katrina). Anyway we are throwing him a fantastic birthday party this Saturday night and I of course have gone overboard on the funtasticness that is a birthday. Here are the top ten things I’ve got going on for this party. Pictures will follow in another post.

1. Superhero Gift Bags. Target rocks, oh wait you probably already knew that. But it does, last month in their $1 section they had superman and supergirl items. So I purchased enough for all the little girls and boys that will be in attendance.

2. Pin the mask to the superhero. I bought two rolls of white paper and I plan on tracing J’s body and making him look like a superhero then the kids will pin a mask (that I also make) onto the body/paper/superhero.

3. Make yourself a superhero. The paper will also be used to trace each of the kiddos, then they can decorate their paper with crayons or whatever else they can find and make themselves look like superheroes.

4. Pinata. What party isn’t complete without a pinata??? I am sure I can find a superhero one. I prefer Superman but we’ll see what I can find.

5. Top Secret Folder Invitations. I found these really awesome manila folders for scrapbooking and used them to make file folders you would find from the top secret superhero training facility. Or something like that.

6. Superheroes in attendance. All of the guests in attendance will be dressed as an assigned superhero. Very excited about this and can’t wait to see all of the costumes.

7. Theme music. I downloaded about 17 songs from iTunes that all have a superhero theme. Like Batman’s theme song, Wonder Woman’s theme song and a couple Superman songs (there are a ton of those).

8. A photo area. Like I wouldn’t be taking photos Saturday night. I am going to put white paper up on our gate with star stickers all over, then have everyone pose in front of the paper with their costume on. Like a faux photo booth (Holly was my inspiration on this one).

9. Superhero Cupcakes. J wants cupcakes so momma will deliver. I am going to decorate the tops with superhero logos. At least the easier ones.

10. Magnetic Superheroes. I am going to print out pictures of the superheroes and the guests in attendance and the kids can play with them on a magnetic easel outside.

There you have it one superhero party. Holy cow!! Think I took on too much?? We’ll see. I will have pics soon. Just too tired tonight. Visit Oh Amanda for more fun lists.

Top Ten Tuesday – 10 Quirky Things About Me

I think I am being pretty brave… hah. I’m going to tell you things about myself that only my husband or my mom know. Okay so maybe one or two of them might be from my 100 Things list but I will try not to duplicate.

1. I eat my M&M’s in twos and if I can help it they have to be the same color. No idea when this started or why I feel the need to eat them this way, I just do. Oh and I don’t freak if I just grab a handful and eat them, I just prefer to be more organized with my M&M consumption.

2. The covers on our bed have to even. My husband almost refuses to help me make the bed. I will meltdown if he isn’t making it even and if they’re all crooked. I like having them at a certain height at the top of the bed, perfectly tucked at the end and the sides have to be even. Yeah if the M&M thing didn’t convince you then this one did, I’m crazy.

3. My favorite pair of pajamas just happen to be my maternity ones. They are all comfy and stretched out. Perfect for just waking up and sitting on the couch (it’s a shorts and shirt set).

4. I could care less about germs. If we’re playing outside and come inside to eat lunch or something I always forget to have my kids wash their hands. I just don’t think twice about hand cleanliness.

5. I hate lotion. Despise it really. I NEVER use it, ever!!! Okay a couple times a year when my hands are just too dry and they crack when I bend them. Then I will use the only lotion I have found that doesn’t leave a residue on my hands… Curel Natural Healing – Honey, Vanilla and Shea Butter.

6. I dry shave my legs. Always have. Just a little water and I’m off. I have my friend Erin from high school to thank for this. I never knew it was possible till she showed up in science class one time with a razor and just sat there and shaved her legs. That was sophmore year.

7. I have to sleep with a Breathe Right strip every night or else I have trouble breathing and will be up all night.

8. I have found myself on more than one occasion sitting and watching either Spongebob or iCarly with my kiddos. Pretty brainless stuff but I can’t help it.

9. I love reality TV. I several favorites like Tori and Dean, DesignStar, Kendra and now that show There Goes the Neighborhood.

10. I can be a hypochondriac about myself, hubby and my kids. Even my mom and brother. All pains and aches etc. For instance I am watching Oprah this afternoon and Dr. Oz is on. This is not the best show for someone like me to watch. He is talking about worms. The different worms that us humans will acquire, like pinworms or hookworms. YUCK and now of course I am worried about my kids getting worms. This can wear me out though so I’m not a full on raging hypochondriac because you could die from worry of all the things that could be wrong with you or your kids. So I tend to take little breaks from worrying.

There you have 10 more reasons to think I’m crazy. 🙂 I don’t really think I’m crazy, I think I’m just quirky, I beg you to find someone that doesn’t have one quirk or another.

Check out more Top Ten Lists at Oh Amanda.

Top Ten Tuesday – Things I Will Never Tire Of

Top Ten Tuesday

I am so thankful for everything in my life, all of my blessings. The other night I started to think about all of the little things that just make me smile, the things that happen frequently.

1. Carrying my sleeping children to their beds, it rarely happens but it makes me smile when it does.

2. Scared kids crawling into bed and just needing a cuddle to feel safe. During a thunderstorm is when it happens the most.

3. My son’s random kisses, always on my cheek, always unexpected and always wet.

4. Watching my children succeed at something brand new, like soccer and swimming.

5. A fire in a fireplace keeping your warm while watching it snow outside (I think this has happened maybe a handful of times in my life)

6. Laughing with my husband at a joke we both share.

7. The cool summer breeze after a rainstorm, the smell is one of the best parts too.

8. Listening to my children ask questions or say something that makes JT and I share a giggle or a smile. Like yesterday on our way to our friend’s we passed a huge white church and L says, “Look J it’s Washington”. Meaning she thought it was Washington D.C.

9. A moment of silence, no explanation needed 🙂

10. A good night’s sleep, even though this happens rarely, it’s one of the best feeling in the world.

With my list done now I am off to bed to hopefully revisit #10, we’ll see. Visit Oh Amanda for more top ten lists.

Top Ten Tuesday – My Favorite Blogs

Top Ten Tuesday

Before I start with my grand list, I just want ya’ll to know that I read a ton of blogs everyday and I love them all or I wouldn’t keep coming back. But these blogs are ones that I check on first, one that make me laugh out loud daily and the ones I identify with the most.

1. Big Mama. I know ya’ll read Big Mama, if you don’t, you have no idea what you are missing. She brings out the ya’ll in me (I only lived in Texas for 3 years) everytime I read her blog. It was hard to choose a favorite post of Big Mama’s because she cracks me up daily and I have her to blame thank for the introduction to the Shred but one of her most recent posts made me laugh out loud, I even made JT read this post.

2. Where Life Becomes Art. This is my friend from grade school and high school and while catching up she read my blog, which led to her starting her own. I am so happy she did because I love checking to see if she had updated her blog and she updates almost as often as I do. This would just one of my favorite posts of hers, oh and this one.

3. A Mom and Her Camera. One of my favorite photography blogs but not only do I read her blog for her photography but also because she’s a mommy and that comes first. I think she’s is hysterical and she’s local so that’s always a plus in my mind. She was recently voted #3 best photography blog in the Professional Photographer Magazine. Here are two of my favorite posts.

4. Karen Russell. A scrapbooking, photographer and mommy. I adore reading about all of her adventures and viewing all of her photos. I dream of taking her photography class someday. She’s simply brilliant. I really, really had a hard time picking just one or two of my favorite posts. I pretty much like them all, but if I had to choose one of her posts full of photographs I want to duplicate it would be this one and this is one post that I was able to fully identify with. I just found another one…. I have to stop now or I could be here a while.

5. Holly McCaig/St. Louis Photographer. How cute are these pictures?! I wish I had the cash to spend on one because they are so fun and the colors are amazing. I first found out about Holly through my scrapbooking kit club, paper posies. They would send her paper in their kits and it was amazing. Although she doesn’t design the paper anymore she does design digital kits for 2Peas. So after all that, I discovered that she is also a photographer. She does it all. You can also find her at Pink Ink. I loved this engagement session, I found it inspiring.

6. Do They Have Salsa in China. This Californian mom has twin girls she adopted from China (Ro and Ree) and they are the sweetest little things. I found her link on my friends blog (#2) and now L and I participate in her Friday carnival, Fashion Friday. I love reading all about Ro and Ree, she recently did a post where you take a picture of your day every couple of hours and it was fun to read, you should check it out here. She has a giveaway this week – I love giveaways, doesn’t everyone. Check it out here.

7. Sew Mama Sew. I love this crafty blog, the sewing projects are always fantastic and pretty and inspiring. My favorite posts by far are the Featured Creativity posts. One of these days I am going to make myself a Buttercup Purse/Bag.

8. Everyday Life. This is my friend Heather’s blog and I love reading her blog because it feels fresh and it tends to be things that I can relate with. It also helps that she is in the area, has two kids, a boy and girl that are the same ages as my kids, oh and she’s in my book club. This is one of her funnier posts she did recently and really what mom hasn’t been able to type this post.

9. Oh.My.Words. I found Nicole’s blog through Heather (the blog mentioned above) and I love checking everyday for her updates. She is a mom, a teacher, a scrapbooker and a photographer. A woman after my own heart. She has two boys and I love all the pictures she takes and shares, especially from this post (I couldn’t agree more). She likes lists and I love that she will sometimes just post a random list from things going on inside her head.

10. Together For Good. I have never met Erin personally but I feel like I know her. I have been reading about Erin and her family since she had a blog on some scrapbooking website (something like two years) that I can’t remember the name of. She is hilarious. Cracks me up. She has two boys, an angel baby in heaven and a brand new beautiful baby girl. You have to read this post, I sometimes make my husband read her posts and this is one I he was told to peruse. Her tender/thoughtful posts are just as fantastic, like this one she wrote for new baby. But this post, this one right here makes me feel like I am not alone in this daily life of mommyhood.

Okay so there are 10 of my favorite blogs to read. It does not include all of my favorites. It took a while to put this list together and I hope the women behind these blogs do not mind me using some of their posts as links but I feel they are all worthy of being favorite blogs whether you agree or disagree. Check out Oh, Amanda for more top ten lists (see she would be one that I would add if I had more room).

Top Ten Tuesday – My Reasons Why I’m Done Having Kids

Top Ten Tuesday

After the last two weeks I have had as a mother (except for Mother’s Day which was lovely) it’s no wonder I decided what my top ten list would be today. So without delay here are the Top Ten Reasons I myself will not be having any  more children and maybe now people will stop asking me when we are having more.

1. The morning sickness. It’s debilitating! I am down for 4 months and then never really completely okay. With my son I lost 30 pounds and couldn’t get off the couch, no matter how much Zofran I took. It’s awful and I kind of like being productive.

2. Sleep. I am on the road to finally getting a full night’s sleep. There are still nights where one or the other will wake us up, but these nights are getting fewer and far between. Sleep and I are best friends.

3. The expense. Oh my god the expense. No one tells you how much it’s gonna cost and I know it only gets worse as they get older. If you are shopaholic before you had kids then it only gets worse. The cute little dresses or the toys that will teach them things, the formula, the diapers, the furniture, the accessories… you get the idea.

4. No more potty training. Wow just think I never have to teach another human being how to pee and poop on the potty. Thank the Lord! L had some trouble with this and J was a champ so you would think that it’s no big deal to me, but it wasn’t something I ever wish to do again. The poop in the underwear, oh I hated that.

5. A boy and a girl. What more could I ask for? I get to experience the rough and tumble, testosterone filled boy and the sweet, frilly, hormone filled girl. Plus they each have a hand to hold, I don’t need to grow a third appendage (arm, leg, eye) to keep track of them.

6. Too far apart. My two kids are 16 months apart. I am finally at a point where I don’t mind this so much. If I were to have a third I would feel like they are too far apart.

7. No more naps. I can just pick up and go, not that this happens but it’s nice to not have a set schedule anymore. Sure we have somewhat of a schedule, like lunch and school and stuff, but yesterday is a perfect example. My dad’s wife called and wanted L to come ride her horse in the afternoon so we dropped everything and went.

8. Communication. We are all talking in this house, this doesn’t mean that we have good communication skills. Finally there are words that everyone possesses and there is no more crying or grunting for things. J’s speech has improved drastically to the point where we aren’t asking him “what did you say” all the time or having L translate.

9. Patience. What I have on my patience scale is gone by the time I put my kiddos to bed. The only way I can refill it is with a good night’s rest. I know in my heart that it’s like love, it grows with each child but I’m just not in the mood to find out if that’s true.

10. The pain. Literally and physically. My heart breaks every time they experience pain. Whether it be a little girl not wanting to play with L or J falling in the park the other day. Much like the cost of children I know the pain changes and will only get worse.

Here’s one more, just because I was on a roll and it’s a biggie….

11. The room. Each of my kids has their own room and we live where we can afford right now. To double up in a room isn’t something we want to do and I feel fortunate that our house suits our needs.

I know I could come up with several more, the weight, transportation, etc. etc. But I also know that I could come up with a few reasons to have more kids too, but it’s not going to happen because with this topic I can be nothing but logical. I have the best job in the world and wouldn’t trade it for anything. My heart is full and I know that my family planning is perfect for me. This isn’t meant to take away from the mommy’s that have 3 or more children, this is simply to stop those curious questions of why I am not having any more children. We are happy as a family of four, the way we are.

Wanna see more Top Ten Lists visit Oh Amanda.

Top Ten Tuesday – Favorite TV Shows


These are the shows I “heart”. I never want to miss and the ones that I am sad go into repeat over the summer or winter depending on their seasons. I have a horrible track record with shows. Once I get fully engrossed and in love they always seem to be cancelled, case in point: Men in Trees. So I am extremely hopeful these are on at least until I tire of them.

1. The No.1 Ladies Detective Agency/HBO/Sundays at 8:00 pm  – This is my new favorite show. I have read the first four books in the series by Alexander McCall Smith. I happened upon this show in a magazine, I think it was People. Freaked out immediately because I was excited but also because it was premiering that same day. I quickly scheduled my DVR and haven’t missed it since. The only problem, it’s finale is next Sunday. WTF??? There’s only been 6 episodes…

2. Monk/USA/Summer 2009 new season begins – Make that last season. I love this show. I have been watching this show since Sharona was Monk’s personal assistant. It’s been a while, eight years to be exact. This show is downright funny and will be missed terribly when it’s final season airs.

3. Psych/USA/Summer new season begins– This is on after Monk so that would be how I discovered this show. It’s awesome!!! Shawn and Gus crack me up. I think it’s sometimes even funnier than Monk. We have found ourselves laughing so hard we cry. Never disappoints.

4. Criminal Minds/CBS/Wednesdays at 9:00 – This show is really creepy and I usually hate creepy but for some reason I always go back for more. It’s pretty typical to find me watching this show through my fingers. It deals with scary situations, like serial killers, moms being taken and killed, kids being kidnapped, etc. It could possibly prevent you from ever leaving your house again, but you’ll keep going back for more.

5. Brothers & Sisters/ABC/Sundays at 9:00– I love all this family drama. Sally Field and her family constantly argue about their lives and you would think that it would get old, but the writers are goooooood! I have tired of it yet, in fact I look forward to it every Sunday.

6. How I Met Your Mother/CBS/Mondays at 7:30– Suit up!!! Barney is wait for it… awesome!! Sometimes I feel like I am the only one that watches this show but I really think it’s funny and enjoy the story lines.

7. The Office/NBC/Thursdays at 8:00– This show is super crazy, sometimes you laugh til you cry and other times you cringe because it’s just ridiculous. No matter what you gotta love this show. Did you see Meredith’s casual outfit, OMG!! See that’s the stuff I’m talking about, hilarious.

8. Jon & Kate Plus 8/TLC/Mondays new season on May 25th – A guilty pleasure that I sit and watch with L. She actually requests to watch it more than I do, but it is true I never miss an episode.

9. Desperate Housewives/ABC/Sundays at 8:00 – I really loved this show once upon a time, it was can’t miss. Then I took a season off, heard some news about the show and rejoined again two years ago. Loving it again. Want to see Dave take a dive but a stake through the heart is so last season.

10. Tori & Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood/Oxygen/Premieres May 26th at 9:00– A guilty pleasure I have to admit. It’s pure delight to sit and watch Tori Spelling and Dean live their lives with their two kids on TV.

That was a pretty easy list to make actually. I just surfed my DVR. Wanna check out more top ten lists, visit OhAmanda.

Top Ten Tuesday – My Pet Peeves


Today for my top ten I have decided to do 10 of my biggest pet peeves or really I should just title it things that get under my skin. Better yet things that piss me off. Can you tell I was slightly grumpy when I made this list?! It’s very therapuetic to make this list and talk about each one to a great extent, feels like a little of the burden is lifted. All that said, here they are:

1. This is most definitely the biggest one I have… People who don’t wave thank you when I let them over. It never fails some idiot is holding up traffic in his lane with his dumb blinker on trying to get over in freakin rush hour. So I decide to be nice because we are never going to move until this joker gets his act together, do you think he waves to say thank you, NO!!! Do me a favor and appreciate that I am busy too and have taken a little of my time to be nice to you. Fool!!!

2. Slow internet. I am impatient and don’t want to sit and wait for my supposed fastest speed DSL to get the job done and don’t even get me started on Internet Explorer or Windows Vista.

3. Having to reboot… anything. Always rebooting the internet, my pc or my iPhone. Ugh, I don’t even want to know the amount of time wasted per day doing this task.

4. Being ignored. My lovely husband is the number one culprit of this pet peeve. It often happens when we are on the phone while he’s at work (just tell me you’re busy) or while watching sports. My children have been known to also ignore me and I am sure as they age into lovely teenagers it will only get worse.

5. Whiny children. I am constantly telling my kids to use their regular voices. Lord there are better ways of getting a point across. But since they are children I am sure they will outgrow this.

6. This one has always been annoying, even before I had my own children. Kids without manners. I was raised to say no ma’am and yes ma’am, along with the respectful sir sayings. I even answered my parents phone in a respectful way growing up, so now I am making sure I pass all of that on to my children. My kids have to say please and thank you as well as “may I be excused please” when wanting to leave the table. The table manners are coming, slowly. Eventually I hope they will be well mannered citizens.

7. Loud noises. My ears are so sensitive and I cannot stand loud noises (like my kids banging musical instruments like tambourines) while I am trying to concentrate but the worst is someone chewing loudly or chewing with their mouth open. I am cringing at the thought.

8. The oil change idiot light in my van. It notifies you the minute you cross over the mileage. I understand that it’s there to help you and remind you to get your oil changed but the dang thing starts to flash at you and I can never remember how to turn it off. ANNOYING!!

9. My dogs barking/whining. He barks morning, noon and night. When we get home he does this excited bark/whine that drives me almost to insanity and he won’t quit, it gets so bad that even my kids yell at him to stop. He also barks at everyone that comes over, some people will approach him and let him sniff them, he just licks their hand and starts barking again. Maybe this one should be #1. Tick tock Roscoe.

10. Just because this happened to me recently… A person who will sit next to you and laugh in your face or put you down without realizing they are being ignorant and doing so. I was recently at a meeting and was made to feel small as I did long ago before I grew up. I know it’s there problem but I have overcome obstacles in my life and with my self esteem and hate it when people want to bring you back down so you feel beneath them again. Making fun of someone never makes that other person feel good.

There you have it… I feel better and even laughed a little along the way. Wanna see more fun lists, I know I do. Check out Oh Amanda, her blog rocks.