Category Archives: Scrapbooking

July Super Sketches

I have not sat down to scrapbook in I don’t know how long. I printed off my 2Peas July Super Sketch when it came out and just found it buried under all the crap on my desk. Tonight is a pretty lazy night so I decided to tackle the sketch/layout. If you wanna see the sketch here is the link.

and here is what I came up with…


I am feeling pretty good with the way it turned out and the fact that I finished another month.

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A couple things

Before I head to my dad’s today I thought I would post about the produce co-op I am starting. Mine will take place here in the St. Louis City so if you are interested please visit this link and let me know. My friend Heather did a great comparison on her blog… what she got in her box vs. what she would pay at the grocery store. You should check it out if you are interested.

Finally I did another layout I am really proud of and thought I would share because, well, where else am I going to show off my work. 😉

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I found the sketch on the Scrapbooks and Cards website.. it’s the August one. Also excited to try some of the sketches on the So Sketchy blog, thanks to my friend MaryJo for having it on her blogroll, it’s a great blog for scrappers.

One more layout

Thank you U-Verse with your unseen, brand new to my children… movies. They are both so tired from their “sleep over” last night that they are laying around watching Are We There Yet. While they were doing that I was able to finish one more layout. I used the June 2Peas sketch and I think it turned out really cute.


Finally getting back into the swing of the creative process. Now I just need more photo paper.

Finally Scrapbooking Again

It feels like it’s been forever since I scrapbooked. I missed my class submission at 2Peas for May but it’s fine, at least I still got the sketch done. I need to get a few supplies, like photo paper and adhesive, I’ve completely run out of those things. Anyway, here is my newest layout…

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Like I said I used the 2Peas May sketch and I used my May 2009 kit from Paper Posies.

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Lots of Layouts

I have been consumed with my new hobby. So much so that scrapbooking fell to the side for a while. I was disappointed that I missed the posting deadline for my 2 Peas class in March. It’s sad really since I’ve had the layout done since March 29th, I’ve just been busy and didn’t get a picture up in time. So this time I quickly finished my April class and posted the picture right away. Once I do one layout though I tend to get on a roll and lately I have all of these great pictures so I’ve start scrapbooking again, that’s was supposed to be my point!!! Here are the ones I’ve completely lately that I really like.

The two of L were completely on March 29th when I went scrapbooking with some girlfriends.

Imagination can make you fly!

Imagination can make you fly! March 2 Peas Sketch


The hidden journaling

My little beauty

My little beauty

 These two layout I did about J were done last night and today.

My lil soccer player, 2 Peas April Sketch

My lil soccer player, 2 Peas April Sketch

J at age 3 1/2

J at age 3 1/2

I think I love them all but my very favorite one is the soccer player one. It’s such a sweet of J.

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February Super Sketch

Here is my submission for February’s sketch from the class at 2Peas:


That has to be one of my favorite pictures of JT and J.

My First Layout Challenge

dscn97921I am participating in 2P’s Super Sketches Class/Challenge.

Here is my first layout for the sketch from January 25th, 2009. I don’t usually do simple pages like this so it feels strange to me but I do like the way it turned out. I especially love this picture. It was taken at my cousin’s daughter’s christening in Michigan when L was 11 months old.


A Christmas Layout

I have been really busy working on getting all of my Christmas layouts done since 2004 and putting them in an album. I am currently in 2006. I tend to do 4 to 5 layouts for each year. One for Santa’s lap, one for Christmas eve, one for Christmas morning/day (sometimes two) and one for my husband’s family. That’s a lot of layouts. While going through some old ones of L as a baby I found these three layouts that I did back in 2004. I really did not like them so I redid them plus my mom’s ex-husband was mentioned and pictured in these layouts and I have just about removed him from all of our pictures and albums.

Here are the originals…

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I took those three and made them into this one beautiful, if I may say so, layout. No mention of the ex either. It’s like he didn’t exist, in my book that makes it perfect.


Much better!!! I am on a roll lately with scrapbooking in fact I am off to the store tonight to buy more adhesive. I go through that stuff like nothing and I am running through my supply of Christmas embellishments and paper. I need to purchase something different so they don’t all look the same and maybe I will be reinspired. On Sunday I am going with my friend Becca from high school to a Close to My Heart Workshop and I am really excited to work on that and show you. It’s going to be a present for someone. Then next Sunday I am off to Arhivers for a scrapbooking day with another friend. Love it. Nothing like hunkering down for some paper fun on cold wintery days. What do my kids do while I scrapbook at home? Typically J naps and L sits at my feet with her pink desk , some paper and stickers. She could do that for hours. Or I wait until they are asleep at night. I received my scrapbooking kit today from Paper Posies and it’s anxiously calling me, I keep forgetting to tell my new friend MaryJo about them, almost every month there are Thickers, your favorite. Anyway I am off to create more.

Hobby Hump Day – No Peeking MOM!!!

So this is the present I am most excited about this year.





















I made this album for my mom this year. I think it turned out really well and I am so excited to show it to you. I tried to buy another acrylic house album but they were all out I would like one of these for myself. I can show you now because hopefully my mom is getting off of work and then she won’t have access to her computer.








There you have it. I am in love with it. I think it’s fun to see all of the pictures of our kids at Christmas through the years… starting with Ms. L in 2004. I still have a picture to add on to the back of the last page but I can do that after I give it to her. I hope she likes it as much as I do.

Check out more Hobby Hump Day on this fine Christmas Eve at 3inunder3.

For the crafty ones…

Having trouble coming up with gifts for teachers or friends or relatives and you like to be crafty? Especially with paper? Check out Lifetime Moments and their newsletter. Right now they are sending out one titled 30 Days of Gift Ideas. They are mostly paper crafting and scrapbooking gifts but they are really easy.

Because of this newsletter I now know what I am making for our 4 teachers this year. YEAH!!! Check it out.

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