A Little Bit of L

I have so many cute pictures of L lately so I thought I would share them in one post. This post is mainly for the grandparents enjoyment. I am still compiling one for J, there’s no nepotism in this house.

L with her new constant companion. It used to be her kitty that would go everywhere with us but it’s apparently been replaced.


Pretending to read her new favorite book  series Junie B. Jones.


All dressed up in her sports attire for Dad’s Night at school.


Doing her hula dance in one of her “hula skirts” – O she LOVES this skirt.


Such a funny little thing and last but not least a video I shot of her dancing, she had no idea I was taping her. While watching HSM 3 she had to also listen to the sound track on her iPod. (I muted the TV in the beginning because I didn’t want to subject you all to Troy having a tantrum.)

3 thoughts on “A Little Bit of L

  1. Mary Jo says:

    She is so cute! :0)
    I definitely feel like here these days, Erin gets most of the face time :0)

  2. Becca says:

    That is adorable! I was just doing a similar dance in my kitchen the other day 🙂

  3. hotomom says:

    Becca you should video tape it

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