Book Club

Our first book club is tonight and I am so super excited. I am not sure if it’s because of the adult conversation, the weird book to talk about, meeting someone new or having a girls night out (which seriously hasn’t happened since before L). We have 8 members. Incredible! I think I have to stop there on the members, if it gets to large I think there would be too many cooks in the kitchen type of deal.

I also can’t wait to sit and drink some coffee at Borders, pick a new book and talk over how the club is going to work. Unfortunately only 3 of us will be there tonight but the rest are committed (I hope) after this month. I’ll let you all know what our next book is just in case you want to follow along or are looking for good books to read. Here’s a website I found, she lists different books for book clubs and has reviews for all of the books plus a rating system. Pretty cool. If anyone out there has read The Almost Moon by Alice Sebold (our October book) and wants to talk about it after tonight, feel free to leave a comment.

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One thought on “Book Club

  1. Jason says:


    I was surfing today and stumbled upon your posting regarding book clubs. I’m one of the founding partners of

    We are an online book club site that is free to join, and allows members to create a club, invite friends, create meetings, and to choose and read books together online. The service is still fairly new, and we are interest in getting feedback on it, as well as getting the word out to people that may be interested in the service. We welcome you to trying out the service free of charge, and welcome to you blog or write about it – good or bad – we appreciate all feedback that helps us improve the service for our members.

    Thank you, and we hope you enjoy!

    Please contact me directly with any questions or assistance.


    Jason Pfeifer
    Community Manager

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